Chapter 12 - Long Time No See

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359 Days Since We Left Home - 324 Days Since Kidnapped:

About A Year Later... 

Brooke Keye's POV:

    Was I not enough for him? I thought irritably after being booted out onto another man's doorstep. He hadn't even paid me either! Adam will be mad... at me more likely than at the man. I shuddered in the fall air since my dress did not keep out the cold in any way possible. My mind felt a bit fuzzy and I couldn't think clearly. 

    I rubbed my temples and tried to remember what I was supposed to do when kicked out. Nothing - my mind completely blanked out. I sighed and just started walking. It couldn't get worse than it was now. Worst case scenario, I get kidnapped by another man. 

    I squinted up at the street sign and realized the name sounded familiar. Why...?  I turned around and saw my old school. Shock froze me in place. I hadn't been in this area for almost a year. Adam most likely did that on purpose to keep me from having any home-coming related thoughts. It didn't matter - I could never think straight to even find my way home, he made sure of that.

     I stopped my feet and blinked several times, confused then shell-shocked. I had found my way home. Home. It sounded so strange now, especially since I haven't been back for a while. Would they even care to see me? After all that's happened in the time we've been apart? Doubt clouded my mind and I turned around to leave but froze once more.

    The Smallbone's house. Would they care? Would they know? I mean, Joel had the whole Priceless project and movie thing... I sighed again and beat my hand against my head. Adam wouldn't like this. Adam wouldn't want me to do this. Yet... Adam wasn't here. What he didn't know, wouldn't hurt him, right? 

    I stepped into their yard... their sidewalk... their porch... their doorstep and the door was right in front of my face. I glanced into the driveway and saw a car, proving one of them was home. Should I knock? Should I leave? If Adam found out, he would be very displeased... These thoughts whirled around in my head and I stood there - unsure of how to continue. 

     Until finally... No, no. This is a horrible idea. I will get in trouble for this since it's not like anyone can do anything. I need to leave now before anyone knows I've been here-

    Too late. 

Joel Smallbone's POV:

    A smile lit up my face as I read Luke's latest text. I had been teasing him not to be late, which he then decided to retort back with 'then I'll be just like you, big brother.' He was supposed to be picking me up so we could have a brother-to-brother movie night but I had a feeling we would be running several minutes behind. 

Joel: I'll be waiting on the porch for you so you don't miss our house.

Joel: Again. 

Luke: It was one time! 

     I chuckled (knowing it had been more than one time) and walked towards my door, opening it without looking up. I turned around to lock my door but instead knocked someone over in the process. Who in the world- I turned around and looked up but stared in shock as I recognized who I had sent flying onto my porch floor.

     This can only be a miracle from God. 

A/N: Three updates in one day!! 🎉 I had to, especially with the whole time leap.     

Perhaps this story will come to an end soon, but who knows? Maybe Brooke will get kidnapped again or maybe Joel will. Or maybe everyone will die because the earth gets blown up by aliens. Or a dinosaur rampage. Or maybe Superman will fly in from DC universe.

Who knows?  😂

Home Sweet Home? (fK&C fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant