Bonus Chapter

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Suggestion from MalefM 

Time: Soon after Brooke was kidnapped (for the first time)

Joel Smallbone's POV:

    My hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, making my knuckles white. I had just come back from the police station and was sinking deeper and deeper into despair. If I had just made sure she was still there... If I had just seen her before she left... If I had just kept an eye on her... I pulled over my car, thoughts whirling through my head so much that I couldn't concentrate on the road before me.

    I banged my head on the steering wheel and tried to breathe normally. Even then, it took several minutes for me to stop breathing in gasps. My phone rang, but I ignored it. However, whoever was still calling was persistent and kept calling back. Slightly irritated, I flipped my phone to read the caller. Moriah Smallbone. Guilt instantly overcame me. I swiped and put my phone up to my ear.

    "Hey, Moriah - what's wrong?" You weren't picking up - is something wrong with you? Where are you? Joel, I'm worried about you... "I'm fine - I just needed a moment to... think and sit in silence." Joel, you need to trust the LORD will keep Brooke safe or at least will turn this bad into good. "I-I know, I just needed to think..." Silence, then... How about we pray for her? "That's a good idea, especially since it seems to be the only thing we can do..." Joel, it's not your fault... She paused then said Father God, I pray tonight for Brooke and that You will keep her safe but, most of all, I pray Your will be done. Remind Brooke that You stand by her throughout everything. I also pray for Joel, as you know the struggle that he's going through and I pray You'll show him Your love and faithfulness. Amen. "Thanks, Moriah. I needed that." I know, but now - come home and we can talk about this more. "Okay, I'm coming - see you soon. Love you..." 

A/N: The first bonus chapter, of possibly more. Anything else you want to read or have expanded on? I'm open to any suggestions - funny, serious, random, etc. Thanks! 

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