Chapter 7 - Meeting Other Smallbone's

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A/N: If you've already read the last chapter before this chapter had been published, I suggest reading it again since the first few paragraphs won't make a lot of sense if you haven't read the newly published version of Chapter 6. 

37 Days Since We Left Home:

    That morning, I tried to avoid Joel, upset that he was going to tell my parents about what happened last night. He seemed to notice because he gave me my space. However, when I was leaving the kitchen, I turned too sharply and slammed into Joel, falling onto the floor. 

    "Oh! Love, you okay?" Joel said, reaching out a hand to help me up. I ignored the offered hand and got up on my own. "Yes, " I said curtly, avoiding his eye. James gasped mockingly aloud. 

    I glared at him and Joel seemed confused. "What?" he asked. "Nothing, except the fact Brooke's mad at you. I thought that wasn't possible," James explained. My cheeks reddened while Joel raised an eyebrow and replied, "You're mad at me, Brooke? I'm guessing it's because you don't want me to tell your parents about last night?" Joel looked to James for confirmation and James nodded. 

    I stared at the space in between my feet as Joel sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "It's important for your parents to know what you're going through and what you're doing to try to solve it on your own." I stayed mute. "Brooke, how about I make you a deal? If you don't go back onto the roof without an adult, then I won't tell your parents." 

    I scowled and said, "What's the difference? I still can't go up either way." Joel narrowed his eyes and said, "This way you won't get grounded." My scowl deepened, knowing he had got me. "Fine," I muttered. "Promise me..." Joel pressed. "I promise I won't go back onto the roof without an adult," I said, my voice barely audible. Joel nodded, satisfied. "Now, you both should get ready, me and Moriah have a party to go to today and we're bringing you three with us." 

    I headed up to my room to change into something other than my pj's. I put on some black sweatpants then stared at my for KING & COUNTRY hoodie and debated on whether or not it would make things awkward. Finally, I slipped it over my head, unable to resist.  

    I stepped outside my room and James raised his eyebrows at my outfit. "You're wearing that?" "What's so wrong with this?" I countered. "First off, you're wearing all black..." I blinked, unaware that I had been, but shrugged anyways. "Second of all, you're wearing a for KING & COUNTRY hoodie, when Joel is here." I shrugged again, "Maybe he'll like seeing someone showing off their merch?" James just shook his head and headed down the stairs. 

    I followed him where Kevin was waiting with Moriah, both of them discussing some sort of project Kevin had been assigned at school. Joel was waiting nearby the door, staring at something on his phone. Moriah looked up at us and smiled. "You guys ready?" We both nodded. Moriah's eye were drawn to my hoodie and her smile widened, "Nice hoodie, Brooke." I muttered my thanks and tried to hide behind James. Perhaps it hadn't been a good idea to fangirl in front of the person I was fangirling over. 

    "Okay, let's pile into the car, and head on our way..." Joel said and we all filed out the door. We headed over to their house and got into their car. Unfortunately, they only had 5 seats, so someone had to sit in the middle. Kyle was immediately voted to since he was the youngest/smallest, but he and James quickly starting fighting. I sighed and told Kyle to sit in my spot instead. So, I sat in the middle, squished between both of my brothers. "Thanks for changing seats with Kyle, Brooke," Moriah said with a smile. She had quickly discovered Kyle and James don't get along since they were so alike and both wanted to be the 'alpha dog.' I usually got caught into the middle, protesting that they both stop, which happens when you're the middle child who is also the only girl. And the most mature of all three of us. 

    "Who's party are we going to? Do they know we're coming?" James questioned. Moriah turned around in her seat and replied, "It's Joel's godson, Phoneix's, birthday. Yes, they know you all are coming. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll feel welcome very quickly!" James threw me an amused glance and whispered, "I guess we're meeting the rest of for KING & COUNTRY, along with family, and you're wearing one of their hoodies!" I glared at him and whispered furiously back, "I don't regret it!" Kyle snorted, obviously having been listening in, and I glared at him instead. "Give me a break, just because I'm a fan doesn't mean you have to make fun of me!" "But you're more  than just a fan, Brooke, as you constantly remind us..." James replied, smirking. My cheeks reddened and I ignored him, watching the landscape pass by. 

    We finally arrived at a house that had a lot of land around it, which reminded me that Luke liked to mow. The second thing I noticed was that there were a lot of cars. One of the things I hated the most were big crowds of people since it made me feel claustrophobic and awkward. I climbed out of the car after James got out and breathed in the fresh air. Hopefully, I wouldn't faint at the sight of any of the other Smallbones. That would be deathly embarrassing. 

    "Seems like we're one of the last," Moriah remarked, throwing an accusing glance at Joel. He shrugged, "They know better than to start without us." Moriah rolled her eyes but a small smile tugged at her lips. "You ready?" Joel said, turning to us kids. Kyle nodded but James went to the length of saying, "I  am." James said, throwing a look my way. I frowned at him and didn't answer Joel's question. 

    "Brooke, you ready?" Joel asked again, his gaze on me. I opened my mouth to answer but someone else injected themself into our conversation.

    "Thanks for coming, brother!" I turned around to see LUKE SMALLBONE striding over to us.

    No, I'm not ready.

    Luke FREAKING Smallbone is walking towards me.

    Do not faint. DO. NOT. FAINT.

    James looked at me and seemed to notice I was close to hyperventilating. He must have taken pity on me because he stepped in front of me and murmured, "You need to calm down, Brooke." "Well, sorry, how would you be acting if you meet one of your biggest ROLE MODELS!?" I retorted back but started taking deep breaths. James' hand suddenly grasped my own and he squeezed. "I probably wouldn't be about to faint-" I dug my nails into his hand and he winced. "Just take your time, calm yourself down, he can't see you when you stand behind me."

    Why is this so much worse than meeting Joel for the first time? Well, then again, I was at my house, my comfort zone. And my parents were right behind me. Oh, goodness, how am I going to react if some of the other people from the band are here? 

   Regardless, I was finally able to pull myself together by the time Luke made it over to us. 

A/N: Give me your thoughts on who Brooke should talk to at the party (any of the Smallbone family or someone else who you think should be at the party). Or not talk to anyone and just hide in a corner. Or faint. 😏

Sorry for not updating for a while! My teachers thought it would be a WONDERFUL idea to give me final projects all at the same time. 🙄

Also, I will now be updating every Monday-ish, maybe Tuesdays if I'm behind and if I'm feeling generous, Friday's too!! This should help me to have a chapter ready for each week and not keep you guys waiting. Thanks, MideOfTheShadows for reminding me to update - I had honestly completely forgotten!! 😂

Happy holidays!! 🥳

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