Chapter 19 - Family

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360 Days Since We Left Home:

Caren Keye's (Brooke's Mom) POV:

    The phone slipped out of my hands and Andy caught it just in time. 

Hello? Are you still there, ma'am? Hello? 

    Andy pressed his ear to the phone and continued the conversation as I tried to regain my breath. Brooke's okay... "We need to go and get her," I said, voice wobbly but I repeated myself in a firmer tone. Andy hung up the phone and replied, "I know, which is why we're leaving." He walked out of the room and started giving instructions to Kyle and James to not do anything stupid while we were gone.

    I hurried to find the keys, saying a quick goodbye and 'don't burn the house down' to my sons. Andy was close behind me and I tossed the keys to him as I went around to the passenger's seat. He didn't catch them, of course, and had to bend down to retrieve them. He hesitated at the driver's door, then opened it and said, "We should go get Joel and Moriah - they'll want to know what's happening. Plus, Joel was the one who found her first and..." 

    I nodded in agreement and walked with him to their house. It wasn't long before Moriah and Joel were behind us, sitting in the same concerned silence. At last, I couldn't bear it and turned on the radio. It blasted out some '90's music, scaring us all. I turned the volume down quickly and changed the station, throwing Andy a dirty/amused look - knowing it was him who had forgotten to turn the volume down last time.  

     Several minutes later, Andy was pulling into the police station. Even before the engine was off, my door was open and I was walking quickly inside the police station's doors - Joel, Moriah, and Andy close behind. I walked (more like jogged) to the person up front and was about to open my mouth to ask for Brooke when a quiet voice came from beside me. 

    "Mom? Dad?" I whirled towards the voice and saw Brooke sitting in a chair, eyes wide and clutching a thin blanket that covered her shoulders. Tears slipped out and I rushed over and enfolded her into my arms. "Oh, baby, you're okay..." I sobbed. Brooke nodded against me and hugged me tighter. I could feel her ribs through the shirt but I pulled away and let Andy hug her. We'll go somewhere and let her get whatever she wants after this... I thought. 

    He pulled away but kept his hands on her shoulders, examining her. "I'm okay - just a bit bruised." Andy's eyes darkened and he gently touched her eye. She winced, pulling away. It was turning a purplish-black color. "He hit you?" he asked quietly. "I'm okay, " she repeated, avoiding his gaze. 

    She looked behind us and saw Joel and Moriah for the first time. I turned also, seeing the surprise on her face, and the joy and guilt on Joel's. Brooke recognized the guilt and stood up, then reached over and hugged Joel, pulling Moriah in too. "It's not your fault. Adam just has too many friends in different spots. I thought I had recognized one of the doctors anyway..." she whispered. 

Joel sighed and murmured, "I'm glad your safely back and that monster will be put away." Brooke's eyes darkened and I saw a mixture of fear and anger. She looked up at Joel saying, "I am too." Then she turned back to us. "Can we go home?" 

A/N: See, everything is coming together!! However, before you move on, help me out by commenting your answers to the questions below. They may impact where/how this story ends... 

1. Should I make a chapter about the trial and if yes, should Brooke be a witness? 

2. Should there be a time-lapse to see how Brooke, Adam, and others are doing?

3. Should I make one or more 'bonus content' chapters that would be filled with how different chapters could/should have worked out based on what you guys have said in the comments? 

3. Are you enjoying the story so far? 

Thanks for reading + Happy belated Valentine's Day!! (even if you don't have a valentine 😅


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