Chapter 16 - Drawing Closer

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359 Days Since We Left Home - Several Hours Since Kidnapped (for the second time):

Joel Smallbone's POV:

    "Have you found anything?" I asked the police officer anxiously. Caren gripped Andy's arm tighter - her face still white. The police officer nodded then explained, "The cameras were broken behind the hospital, but before they were, we were able to catch a glimpse of the car Adam had." 

    My hope flared but then fizzled out. "How does that help us find Brooke?" The police officer smiled and replied, "The glimpse of the car showed us their license plate. This is something we can use to find her. It may lead us right to her, or at least closer. This is good news, ma'am and sirs. We will most likely find her now." 

     My whole body relaxed while Caren gave a small cry of relief. Hope was sweet, however, hope is a promise, not a solution. Brooke would be found, the police officers continued promising us. Maybe it's true, but maybe we all just don't want to speak the if into existence. If she's not found, what will Adam do to her? What will he continue doing to her? 

    We have to find her.

Brooke Keye's POV:

    I had somehow fallen asleep on Adam's shoulder, so when he shook me awake, he startled me. I blinked rapidly, trying to get the sleep out of my eyes so I could see. I wasn't in the truck anymore. We were alone in a room, which I soon saw was actually his bedroom. I was on his bed with him sitting next to me. "Where are all the other people who were with us-" I started to ask but Adam shushed me by pressing his finger lightly to my mouth.

    "They're having their fun, it's time for us to have ours," he said softly. I nodded, trying to ignore the urge to cry. What did I expect? Adam is still Adam at the end of the day and I am still his. "Of course..." I whispered. Adam pulled me towards him and I didn't resist. 

Officer Ervin Allaire's POV:

    I stared at the computer, sipping my coffee, as I waited for the results to appear. My eyes drifted away as the loading bar inched slowly forward. This was one of my bigger cases - a missing girl presumed to be a victim of human trafficking. Not something you see brought to light every day. 

    The people in charge of robbing girls of their innocence made me sick. They deserved nothing but a prison cell. Hopefully, by the end of this week, there would be another in prison. A beep sounded and my eyes snapped back to the computer where an address had replaced the loading bar.

    "Officers! Get ready to go and save some lives!" I yelled behind me. A few affirmatives came back to me and I heard them scramble to grab their things. Now we can act.

Sometime later - still Officer Allaire's POV but the police squad is now pulling into the driveway of what looks like an empty house. 

    "You sure this is the place, officer?" someone nearby me asked. I glanced behind me and nodded in the person's general direction. Then, twisting around in my seat, I met every officer's eye. "We must be cautious - these people will have tricks up their sleeves and will do anything to protect themselves and the girls in their grasp. So! Take care and make sure you don't let Adam escape." I lectured. 

    The men and woman all gave an affirmative and the van door slid open. We piled out and headed towards the building. Hopefully, by the end of today, we will have saved lives.

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