Bonus Chapter 2

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Several months after Adam was/is imprisoned:

Brooke Keye's POV:

    I dug my fingers into the dog's fur, trying to calm myself down. He was here - sitting in front of me. I stared at the floor between my feet and closed my eyes for a second. I thought I would never see him again. I promised myself I would never look upon that dumb smirk again. Yet, here I was. Sitting in his trial - waiting for my time to take the stand. To testify against him and make sure I don't have to see him again. 

    They told me I didn't have to. They told me they would figure something out. I told them to quit lying to me which, of course, shut them up pretty quickly. When his trial began, I had thought some of the other girls he abused would step up and testify, but they must have thought the same thing because no one did. No one wanted to. So, I became the bigger person and stepped up. 

    The dog was supposed to help, and she was, but it wasn't as much as they had hoped. The dog, I think they said her name was Daisy, was the court's comfort-dog. Daisy's job was to help people testify against their abuser. 

    "We call to the stand... Brooke Keye." came their voice. I froze, suddenly letting fear grip me. 

    "Brooke - it's going to be okay... just calm down and try to think straight..." Dad whispered to me softly. Daisy licked my hand and bumped against me gently. I dropped my gaze to her and I felt my heart slowly calm. I breathed deeply and stood up then walked up to where they were waiting. Daisy followed me, trotting the whole way, looking oblivious to the whole situation. 

    I refused to look at Adam as I passed him but I felt his gaze on me. I swore on the Bible to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth then sat down and waited for my first question. I finally allowed myself one look at Adam. There was a lingering look of surprise - he hadn't expected to see me here. Well, that's one thing we can agree on. The prosecutor opened his mouth and started the whirlwind of questions...

A few hours later...

    "The verdict for Adam Walker is GUILTY. His sentencing..." I breathed a sigh of relief and let myself relax. I didn't hear the rest of the judge's words but I was later told Adam got the maximum sentencing. 

    The world could now be a bit safer and I could now sleep a bit better at night. 

A/N: First off, I will apologize if how the trial went is not factually correct. I am not educated in that stuff, lol. Second off, sorry for the two, three-week late update. Things have been so crazy, especially with the whole virus thing. I know, I know, all that's been talked about is the virus and most of us are sick of hearing about it. I haven't been personally affected by it (besides the NCAA tournament being canceled 😭) yet. There's talk of locking us in our houses for the next 48 hours or something. Schools are all online, everything's closing, etc... People are taking all the tp + bottled waters... yes most of America is overreacting but hopefully, it will all calm down. 

So, just pray for leadership to have wisdom + caution. Stay safe + thanks for reading!! Comment if you want any more bonus chapters or something. 😊

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