Chapter 10 - A Dark Place

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37 Days Since We Left Home - 0 Days Since Kidnapped:

Brooke Keye's POV: 

    "Wake up, love." came a gruff voice. My eyes snapped open and I tried to back away from the (very close) man next to me, but my arms were still tied behind me and my leg refused to comply. "Stop, you might injure yourself more," he commanded. I froze and watched him as he continued binding a bandage onto my leg. Summoning my courage, I replied, "Who was the one to hurt me in the first place?" A hollow laugh escaped him and he glanced up at me. "You can't make me feel guilty since I don't regret shooting you. Plus, I made sure the bullet would only skim your leg." 

     He tied up the bandage and collected the first aid kit nearby. However, he didn't leave. He started tapping the floor of the trunk and stared at me. His searching eyes made me feel uncomfortable so I refused to meet his eyes. Finally, he spoke, "Is your dad the one with an accent and the sharp jawline?" 

    "What?" I asked, immediately meeting his eye. He glared at me and replied, "A group of people stopped us on the road and a man that matches that description asked me about you." They were looking for me..."No, no. He's not my father, just the person that was watching my brothers and me while our parents are gone." I replied, softly as a wave of sadness overtook me. "I'm assuming you told him you hadn't seen me?" 

     "I wasn't about to lose my prize minutes after I had gotten it, " as he spoke, he scooted out of the trunk and stood up. He stretched, raising his arms above his head, and I heard several popping noises. "Greg, we're ready," he called and a muffled affirmative came from the front of the car. "Now, we still have about an hour to go and it would be good for you to reserve your strength..." Greg appeared with something like looked like a damp tissue and handed it to the man. "Wait!" I blurted out. The man paused and I continued, "I still don't know your name." The edges of his mouth curved upward slightly and he said, "Well, start with yours and I'll give you mine." 

     "Brooke," I replied, never taking my eyes off the tissue. The man advanced then pressed the tissue against my mouth and nose. I struggled, refusing to breathe, but I became weaker and weaker as black spots danced in my vision. "You can call me Adam, " was the last thing I heard before unconsciousness overtook me. 

Britt Walker's POV:

    "What time did he say they were coming back?" I asked the girl, Connie, next to me. She glanced at me in the mirror and paused in her lipstick applying. "He didn't say, just told us they were looking for another girl," she replied. A different girl, Lily, sneered and said, "Why does he need another girl? Are we not enough for him?" I snorted and replied, "His type is never satisfied." Connie gave me another sideways glance and said quietly, "Don't let him hear you saying that..." 

    I rolled my eyes saying, "He already knows how I feel about him and he knows how different our two desires are." Connie shrugged and went back to her lipstick. Another hour passed, then another until finally, we heard a car pull up. Some of the girls rushed towards the door but I stayed put, not wanting to see him for as long as possible. It didn't take long for him to find me. 

    He entered the room and his eyes immediately went to mine. He had the new girl in his arms and he set her gently down onto the floor. Her head lolled to the side and I could tell they had made sure she wouldn't wake up for a while. "Britt..." Adam said quietly and advanced toward me. I sidestepped him but he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him so I stopped resisting.

     "I think you're ready to take on a girl and make sure she learns the ropes, " he said softly. I nodded, avoiding his eye. Silence. Then, "Do you not want to do this?" I tried to keep my voice neutral as I replied, "What are you referring to? You kissing me or forcing me to throw another girl into this mess?" Adam's grip tightened around me. "The second option." was all he said. I bit my lip and lied, "I don't mind, I knew it would be my turn soon anyways." 

    Adam released me and nodded, "Good, I knew you wouldn't let me down." He exited the room and I let out the breath I had been holding. My eyes were drawn to the limp new girl and pity stabbed my heart. 

    She looked young, even for this industry. But then again, anyone of any age didn't deserve to go through this. 

A/N: I'm late on updating but I was having trouble getting wifi to work on this and it was New Year's Eve + New Year's Day. That is partly why I updated a lot last time but here's the latest update! But, let's talk about the new character!! What's your guy's opinions on Britt?Does she seem like a good person? A bad person? Scared? Too willing to follow Adam?

Christmas has come and gone, yet again, but this time I have been given two tickets to a for KING & COUNTRY!! Super excited!! I wasn't actually expecting the tickets but I was glad to get them. (This one in the spring will be my fifth for KING & COUNTRY concert in less than three years... this might be the moment when I realize I'm a fangirl, lol.) Did anyone else get tickets to any of their 2020 concerts? 

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