Chapter 12.5 - Flashback

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71 Days Since We Left Home - 34 Days Since Kidnapped:

Brooke Keye's POV: 

    I heard screaming and at first, ignored it but then realized it sounded familiar. Or at least, more familiar than usual. Britt! I bolted upright just as Connie walked in. She looked startled by my behavior but closed the door behind her quickly. However, I slipped around her just before the door closed. 

    "Brooke! No! You'll only make it worse-" Connie's voice was cut off as I turned the corner. No, no, no!! Please let her be okay... I took another turn in the direction where I had the scream and finally saw Britt. She was struggling, nearly being dragged by several men I had only seen recently. Even then, it was from a distance, which was on purpose. One of them seemed to have the superpower of always being drunk. 

     "Britt!! Leave her alone!" I screamed and one of the men turned my way. He turned to Adam, who I realized was nearby, and said something angrily to him. Britt also saw me and stopped herself so that she was rooted in place. "Brooke - go! Find a way out of here before-" She started to say but someone put his hand over her mouth. Before I could reach her, she was dragged out the door and out of my sight. 

    I continued running but was jerked to the ground from behind. Breathing hard, I resisted them but couldn't summon the strength to get out of their grip. "Britt!" I screamed, hoping to get a response - no matter how faint or far it sounded. 

    Nothing. "Brooke! Calm yourself or I will make you calm down!" said Adam angrily. Eyes wild I saw he was the one holding me down. "Where are they taking her?" I asked. Adam narrowed his eyes. "I don't see why that concerns you," he replied. I struggled again but stopped to say, "She's my friend, you idiot-" Adam's hand pressed over my mouth and I let out a squeal unintentionally. 

    His voice became sweet, dripping almost with honey. "Careful what you say. It may have more of an impact than you think, " he said. Fear gripped me as I stared at him, sinking into dread. He continued, "Now, it seems like Britt isn't here anymore so I need someone to replace her spot." 

    No. No. No. No. No. NO!

   "I think you'll do just fine..." 

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