Chapter 14

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I woke up and I felt like I had just been hit by a bus. My body ached. So did my head. I was just in complete agony.

It took me a while to remember the events that had previously happened. A maximum amount of 10 minutes I'd say.

The first thought that came to my mind was...

"KARA!" I shouted out. My voice was trembling, my hands were shaky.

"Lena." Alex replied. "We should talk."

From the look on Alex's face, the shiny tear marks down her face, and from her currently holding back her tears... it was bad news.

"First off, Lex and Lillian.. they've been taken to a maximum security prison. They won't be getting out, I can assure you. And.."

"I've seen that look before, Alex. She's.." Even thinking about it, made my heart break. I could feel it.

"Yeah, Lena. She's gone." Alex told me, tears beginning to fall down her face. Voice cracking. Everything you wouldn't want to hear, or see, happening. Right in front of you.

I was numb, no words, no tears. Nothing. Nothing at all. I climbed out of the bed, walked over to Alex and just hugged her.

"I am so, so sorry. I'm so sorry my family did this." I managed to get out.

"It's not your fault, Lena. You aren't like them. I'm sorry for ever assuming that you was." Alex held her grip on me, still crying as she spoke.

"There's something Kara wanted me to give you." She handed a memory stick and a huge book to me. "I'll leave you go home and read, and listen. Don't hesitate to call me if you need a shoulder to cry on. I'll be there. Oh, also, memory stick first. Then the book."

As she began to walk out the door I just managed to say a quick thank you. And with that, I got changed, grabbed the rest of my things and walked out of the medical bay door.

There was agents clearing up blood on the floor. I walked past them as fast as I could, I needed to just get home. So that's exactly what I did.


"Okay. Let's do this." I told myself. Hesitantly I plugged the stick into my laptop. I took a deep breath, and started the video.

"Hey Lena. It's Kara. Well I'm pretty sure you know who I am because I'm on your screen. I think, I don't exactly know how this works. I'm not really into technology.. or at least I think I'm not. I'm rambling."

I paused the video and I laughed, she rambled a lot. But that's something I loved about her. It was amazing hearing her voice again.


"So, you must be thinking 'Hey Kara, why are you making this, it's pointless just speak to me instead.' Well, first, we're not exactly okay at the moment, and secondly, this is more treasurable. To me, anyways. I just wanted to say a few things, well not a few, a lot actually. So if you get bored of me then that's okay, you can just head straight to the book because it's all in there too. I've written it down just for you.

So what I wanted to say was that.."

This'll be so much to take in, I'm not ready.


I'm sorry. For everything, and I know how many times I've said it and I know you probably won't forgive me but I really mean it. I'm sorry. It was never my intention to hurt you. Keeping the fact that I'm Supergirl from you was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I wanted to tell you from the beginning but the DEO first said that I couldn't. Sooner or later, they said it was okay. But that was two years into our friendship. But one day, you were so so angry with me, with Supergirl. But you still loved Kara, and I just kept thinking, if I could be Kara, just Kara. That I could keep you. I have to admit. I was selfish, I was scared.. and I didn't want to lose you. So I kept pretending, and I never stopped. And I am so so sorry for not telling you sooner.

There are so so many reasons to as why I couldn't tell you. Which I've told you. There are reasons why I wouldn't, which I have also mentioned to you. I just haven't mentioned this one.

The main and most important reason why I didn't, is because..

I'm in love with you."

Kara Danvers just admitted she was in love with me.


"Yeah.. I'm in love with you. It may seem unbelievable to you but that book you've got will hopefully convince you otherwise. I would put it all into words but, there's so much I want to say, you'd just get bored of my voice. You probably haven't even listened this far, so I don't why I'm still talking.

Anyways, I am. I love you, Lena. And I have for a while. I really have. And I'm making this just for you.

I told Alex to only give this to you if something bad has happened to me. So I guess if you're still listening this far and you're watching this, something bad has happened to me. But hey, I'm in a good place now. You told me I was your hero and the Earths once, well Lena. You are now the Earths hero. Now? Ugh ignore that, what am I thinking. You was the Earths hero ages ago!

Lena Luthor, you might not be everyone else's hero. But you will ALWAYS be mine. I promise you.

Well I should wrap this up because it's sister night. How fun.

So, Lena. Before I go, I just wanted to say some more.

You don't know how good you are.
I want you to be happy.
You are impressive.
You are thoughtful.
You are special.

And, I love you.

Yours truly,


I sat there, one single tear rolling down my face.

I let this happen to her, didn't I?

I hurt her, didn't I?

I've now lost her. For good.

I closed my laptop, took out the memory stick and opened my drawer to place the stick inside. And that's when I saw the frame with me and Kara in it and her favourite shirt. I took them out, put my laptop on top of the drawer and the memory stick inside and closed it. I still had the picture in my hands. I laid down, still looking at it.

I looked at her face. I miss it. I miss her.

I grabbed it tightly, clenching onto them as hard as I could and sobbed. I laid there crying, holding the photo and her favourite shirt. It smelled like her,

This is all I have of her now.

I laid still, shedding many tears, holding onto them both until I fell asleep. And that was it.


hey guys, sorry it's been so long since i updated. here's a new chapter! i hope you all enjoy it & thanks for 5k reads! - j x

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