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Britt's P.O.V.

I've been waiting for Reili to get here. It's 7 and every one needs to be ready and to the venue by 10.

I'm freaking the hell out because Reili wants me to save a girl from an abusive situation. Rewind, how did I get myself into this? Exactly, I didn't, it was Reili.

Don't get me wrong, I love her but, sometimes she bites off more than she can chew. I mean a fourteen year old girl....Reili turned 16 two months ago and is taking on responsibility, I give her props.

I turn around when the door opens, Reili comes in along with all the boys and Jack G carrying a young girl.

"Lay her on the bed" she says talking to Jack. "Britt, I'm sorry...She fell asleep in the car she's not dead or anything" Reili says as I lay a blanket on the girl.

"Details..." I say sarcastically.

"Right, 14, Devina, abused, found her at Starbucks" she says in one breath.

"Do you know we're she came from?" I can't just take her with me.

"Painkillers!!!" PJ yells from the door. She's a wreck, I don't know why she's here at this point. Oh. My. God.

"What the hell PJ!!! She's only 15!!!" I yell infuriated. Reili and JayJay are like little sisters to me.

JayJay runs over to me about to throw up. I lead her to the bathroom holding her hair back.

"I got her" Hayes says taking hold of her hair. "Go talk some sense into PJ" I nod.

After walking out of the bathroom I call PJ over "can I talk to you in the hall?" She nods. And follows me out the door.

"Hey, I don't want you around us girls.... only during the show, go clean up" I say walking back into the room.

Mahogany's P.O.V.

Britt walked in the room so I walked out. PJ was walking back to the room when I turned her around by her shoulder.

"What now...Oh, mahogany...ugh I hate Britt, don't you?!?!" Nope...I'm done.

"No, pack up, I'll buy you a ticket your going home, you just came with me anyways" I say walking back to my room. I don't know why I brought her.

I pull out my laptop and buy a plane ticket and put it on hold at the airport for PJ.

I get a knock on the door, so I get up and answer it. A man with a box stands at my door.

"Mahogany?" He asks.

"Yes?" I say suspiciously, I didn't order anything.

"A Jacob sent this package, sign here and be careful with the box" aww, he's so sweet.

"Ok" I sign and take the box from him. It's about the size of a jewelry box. Walking to the other room I decide to ask the boys what they think it is.

Opening the door I shout, "Jacob sent me a package any guesses"

"engagement ring!" They all scream in unison.

"Let's see" opening up the box there is heart locket that reads "JOX" aww, and a letter

go down to the front desk and ask if they have a package for you.


Holding up the locket i snap it on and open it, there's a picture of me and Jacob in it.

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