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Taylor's P.O.V. (Reili this one is for you)

"I sure hope we don't ever argue like that" I mutter.

"Arguing is good, well to a certain extent, it lets out any stored frustration towards one another" Reili looks deep in thought after what she just said.

"Well I think we can all agree on the fact that they are deep sleepers" Hayes says laughing while looking back down to his phone. We all nod our heads.

"I'm gonna walk to the hotel" Hayes says standing up.

"Its like an hour walk" I say mouth hanging open.

"Yeah but I'm not a lazy ass so, I can handle it" he says walking out of the room. As soon as Hayes is it of sight I'm yanked backwards by my arm.

I turn my head and Reili crashes her lips onto mine. I mean I really like her, and I'll admit in the past I was being a dick but that's the past.

"Hey, Caniff?" Reili says into our kiss. I answer with a barely audible hm.

"Will you do the honor of being my boyfriend?" my eyes widen in surprise. I nod my head a little to eagerly and she continues, "then it's settled, I'll take you on a date as soon as I'm released."

"Okay, not saying we will but, if we get married I'm asking you because you beat me to the ask out thing" She scoffs.

"I beat you to it because you were being a pussy and I had to take fate into my own hands" She says with a lot of sass and then rests her hands on her hips and right after, this thing is what I love about her, She starts to hysterically laugh at herself.

Her smile is wide and beautiful and really does show how much she doesn't care about her surroundings or what's going on and lightens the mood. You know she can also be a great friend, I've heard her talking with JayJay and Britt before, she's a great listener and deserves the best. She's still laughing and I go for it.

I sit on the bed and kiss her, it takes her a while to react but she puts so much passion into the kiss without trying. I smirk, "I beat you" I say victor clear in my voice.

"Shut up" she's says annoyed but lightly laughs, "you suck."

"Ugh, I'm straight, and I'm kissing you and dating you so if that didn't give it off..." I say trailing off.

"Your such a perv, Caniff" She says punching me in the arm.

"Aren't we all?" I ask. Awaiting her little smart ass answer.

"True, true, but I think I'm more of a perv than you!" she says sticking her finger right between my eyes. And that's when world war three broke loose.

"Okay, let's have a contest, you have to say the most perverted thing we can come up with and were only get one chance" I KNOW I'll win this.

"Oh, Taylor if only you knew" She says laughing vindictivly. Maybe she will win.

JayJay's P.O.V.

I was sitting alone at a small table on the beach, sipping away at my rootbeer milkshake when someone sat down next to me.

"You shouldn't have done that" a girls voice says. I turn around and respond a little harsher than needed.

"Excuse me? what did I 'do' because I haven't ever seen your face" She scoffs. I swear if she comes p with a snarky answer.

"Bad day?" she says sincerely. Thank you God.

"Yeah, and what did i do?" I say softly.

"Oh, I was talking about the funnel cake in your lap, you shouldn't have stabbed it, it looks delicious" The girl says. She's tall with long luscious waves of hair that are maroon colored. She's beautiful and her eyes, oh my god, i wish I could have them. They are amber around the iris and fade inbetween thousands of greens and are rimmed with what I'm pretty sure is black.

"Have it, I'm JayJay" I say handing her my funnel cake.

"Apollo, and my parents didn't care of it was a guy's name" She says laughing, Starting to eat the funnel she moans in happiness of my cake.

"Mall?" I ask I want to buy a little more than the hat and shirt.

" I love the mall, and not for shopping" she wiggles her eyebrows, I've tried that before, but could never accomplish it.

"Come on then" I stand up, and go to pick up my milkshake but she's drinking it. After taking a ship she smiles sheepishly.

"Germs don't scare me, it's girls that do, ugh they are such fangirls" I laugh at her excuse.

She jumps on my back and me being way smaller, collapse. I stand up abd look down to see my milkshake laying all over the sand.

"You killed my best friend" I force a tear, " he was all I had left" I start full on sobbing but am just laughing my ass off on the inside.

"I'll buy you another one, you must've had a REALLY bad day" She says hugging me, I couldn't contain it and start laughing and fall to the ground.

Apollo throws the funnel cake box at me abd helps me up. "Sooo, a bit about your self?" i question.

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