Chapter 10

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Greg slept in the van next to Steven's house so they can all leave right away

Steven and Pearl got up at 7am to wake up Greg. Once he was up and awake, they all got settled in their seats and got on the road

Pearl was sitting in the passenger seat while Steven sat in the back. They were a couple hours into the drive and Steven was having a hard time staying awake. He could barely keep his eyes open. He wanted to be present for the whole trip

As he fought to succumb to sleep, his head kept bobbing back and forth. Greg finally saw through the rearview mirror

"Hey Steven, it's alright. We won't be there for a few more hours. We'll be right here."

Steven gave a relaxed sigh and drifted into a deep sleep. His head was gently resting up against the seatbelt. Greg and Pearl sat there in silence as the sound of Steven's soft snoring filled the air

A few moments had passed and Greg spoke up. "I'm really worried about him Pearl. This isn't like him."

"I know, I'm worried about him too. But I don't know what to do."

Greg let out a deep, sad sigh. "Maybe we could try therapy if this doesn't work. They may not understand the gem stuff but maybe they can at least teach him how to deal with the trauma."

"Are you sure this will work?" Pearl questioned

"What other choice do we have?"

Pearl solemnly looked back at the sleeping boy in the back seat. She turned back around and quietly let out a sigh

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