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Feeling refreshed and renewed, I practically float around the apartment the next few days like a cloud is carrying me on its back. The General doesn't call, GDragon doesn't text, and I can almost say that I'm on vacation. And Lisa, oh Lisa, she's perfect. We've come to a contented ground where we're, not grossly affectionate, but more or less like a couple who've found their safe place. Nights are spent together, sometimes wrapped up in one another, sometimes not. Mornings are routine and separate, yet together. Our worlds are our own but they intersect just where we need them to. It's how I imagine healthy marriages to be.

Lisa comes home late, later than she said she'd be, and I greet her as she comes down the hall. She's been going to Tiffany's shop or The Black Hound to see how things are going, or sometimes does a little job for a less than fortunate creature. I don't mind at all, and have found myself going out, too, to see Sorn or Tiffany or to say hi to someone Lisa has helped. I've become a little famous in the underground thanks to Lisa. I'm the untouchable human, Lisa's mate, brunette beauty (this one I like), or simply Miss, to those who are unsure of what to call me. It's nice, actually, to know I'll be safe wherever I go. There's always someone there to watch or help me if I need it.

"You won't believe it," Lisa says, giving me a brisk hug. She scratches the top of her head, ruffling her hair. She's gotten a haircut recently- a flattering pixie cut. Silky strands hang down to her eyebrows and sweep to the right charmingly. The tips have curled by her ears where she's been obviously sweating. "They've spotted her- Jungkook. Two cities over. We have to tell Taeyeon."

I expected this at some point. Jungkook was bound to be spotted, sooner thanks to Lisa's growing network of magical friends. "I'll tell her, but they haven't contacted me with any kind of plan."

"Don't you see, though? Now that we know where she is, we can build a plan. We can scope out the place and take her out! Isn't this exciting?"

"It is. I'll text GDragon now."

Lisa kicks off her shoes and throws them into her room as I fish out my phone to tell GDragon the news. She hovers over my shoulder and watches me text, her breath ghosting over my cheek. I swat at her and she jumps away, then chuckles and swats me right back, right on the bottom. I roll my eyes and finish my message then send it.

"Are you going to behave when the plan comes in?" I ask her, turning. "You're not going to deviate from it?"

"If it's a good plan, no."


She shrugs and skirts me to get to the kitchen. "I'm not going to lie to you. If I see an opening, within the plan, of course, I'm going to take it. Jungkook isn't coming out alive, I assure you."

I scratch my forehead and sigh. "At least you're honest."

Lisa spins primly on her heel and raises an eyebrow at me. She looks like a devious dancer, and I appreciate the weight, and muscle, she's gained recently. "Are you going to follow the plan?" She asks, almost mocking my earlier tone. "No running where magic can get you?"

"I'll do what I can, but I know my humanly limits. If I can help it I'll try to stay out of the magical portion of things."

"Good." She zooms to me and kisses my temple. "Oh, speaking of..." She digs into her back pocket and brings out a slim, velvet covered box. "Open it."

Suspicious, I take the box and flip it around in my hand. "What is it?"

"Open it and find out. Surprises are more enjoyed when they remain surprises."

Humming, I play with the box for another moment, then finally open it. I don't know what I expected, but I find a delicate bracelet sitting on a plush pillow, gleaming at me. I snap my head up. "What's this?"

Chained - JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now