Chapter 4

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The first half of the day went by surprisingly fast and before I knew it I found myself at lunch.

I put my physics book in my locker and reached into my backpack for my lunch money.


I left it on my dresser in my bedroom. Great.

"Give me your lunch money." A voice behind me said.

I turned around and saw Lucas standing there.

"Too bad I don't have any."

Lucas waved it off "don't worry I will buy you lunch. It's what good boyfriends do." He winked at me.

"Not gonna work." I said.

He smirked and reached out his hand for me to take it.

I gladly took it and thought to myself I'm so gonna win this challenge.

We walked into the loud cafeteria, looking the same as it did everyday.

The populars at one table, the jocks at another, and the needs and band students sitting at other tables.

I sit at the "average" tables while Lucas sits at the populars table.

Everything was the same except for the fact Lucas and I were together.

Everybody in the grade knows about our famous feud and immediately started whispering things as we walked in the cafeteria.

"OMG!! What?"

"Lucas and Maya... Dating?"


"I wonder what happened at the principals office." Someone from the populars said. The whole table started cracking up.

We got to the back of the line when Lucas tugged on my hand. "Come on."

We went through the front of the line cutting through a ton of people.

I watched as Lucas ordered our food and the lunch lady smiled at him and gladly gave him his food.

Lucas saw my expression and smirked, "lunch ladies love me."

"I see that."

I started to grab my tray when Lucas stopped me.

"Allow me."

Wow. This guy.

We headed towards the lunch tables when I caught sight of Riley at our table. She must of noticed me and Lucas because she mouthed "what is going on?"

"I'll explain later." I mouthed back.

Lucas was about to sit at the populars table when I stopped him. "Hey I gotta go sit with my friend."

When he didn't answer I walked over to Riley, realizing that he was following me.

When I finally reached the table, I heard Lucas say into my ear "we hang out with each other's friends."

I sighed. This was gonna be a long week.

Riley stared as Lucas sat down across from her and just poked at her food.

I sat down next to Lucas, deciding that I needed to step up my flirting game.

We ate in silence when suddenly Lucas shouted out, "Farkle hey man over here!!"

Ugh great, not that nerd.

I still don't know him and Lucas are best friends, they have completely different personalities.

Farkle arrived over with his food and sat down next to Riley.

I saw Riley's face turn red. I forgot she had a crush on farkle. I smirked at her teasingly and she shifted uncomfortably.

"Hey why are you sitting here.... With Maya?" Farkle asked.

Lucas suddenly out his arm around me making me lose grip on my fork. "Didn't you hear? Maya and I are dating!"

"What?!" Farkle and Riley said in unison.

"Yep. We are dating." I said, smiling at Lucas. Man I really needed to step my flirting skills up. I will when Farkle and Riley aren't around.

But boy I had a lot of explaining to do to Riley.

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