Chapter 19

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Lucas and I walked and walked until we were in what looked like the woods.

"Where are we going??" I asked.


"Well duh sherlock."

He smiled. "I love your sassiness."

"I love your smile. Do I win??" I said, playing along.

Lucas shook his head. "You wish hart."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

We finally reached our stop and I looked up to see a huge treehouse. "A treehouse?" I asked Lucas.

"My dad and I built it when I was only 7." He said.

I watched him climb up the dusty steps. "I know it's kinda dorky for bad boy Lucas to still come here but it's special to me."

I smiled a little. I liked this side of him. A lot.

I started to climb up the stairs too when I almost slipped on a rock. "Woah!!"

I felt arms support me and help me up. My heart went back to normal speed and I took a deep breath.

"Thanks for saving me." I said.

"Anytime. I don't really want a dead girlfriend." He said, laughing a little.

I bit my lip. "Well, I'm only your girlfriend for one more day.."

Lucas's expression changed and he looked at me in the eyes. "Let's just enjoy it while it lasts, okay??"

"Okay." I said, not knowing what else to say.

We locked fingers and just sat in the peaceful nature.

"You know your the first girl I have shown this to." Lucas said, after awhile.

"Well I'm honored."

I heard Lucas sigh. He kept checking the time.

It was in the afternoon. Not even a full day left of our challenge.

Apart of our world will be over that we have begun in the last week.

We could easily just date for real after all of this, but I don't think I'm ready.

When I came into this challenge, I thought this was going to be easy.

But boy, was I wrong.

Suddenly, we heard rumbles come from the bushes.

We snapped out of our own thoughts and looked towards the bushes...

"Let's get out of here." Lucas said.

I started to feel his hands sweat, as if he was nervous about something.

"It's too late Lucas!" A voice said.

And out came..... Missy. What the fuck??

"Missy!! What are you doing here??" Lucas said, nervously.

He wasn't hiding his nervousness very well.

"To crash your party just like the last girl." She said.

I was super confused. "Wait I thought you haven't shown this to any other girls..."

"Ummmm...." Lucas said.

Missy rolled her eyes. "Are you that stupid?! No wonder you are blonde. And how would I know this place if Lucas didn't show ME this place?"

Lucas lied to me. He lied.

"Maya..." Lucas started to say.

"I don't care if you lied, but why??" I asked him.

"Well I--" Lucas started to say.

Missy let out a loud annoying groan. "Listen Maya, I came here to protect you."


I smirked. "Oh really? Why?"

She suddenly pulled me away from Lucas and whispered. "Remember when I told you those things about Lucas in the lunchroom?? Well it's all true."

Ugh, not this again.

"Missy I might be blonde but I'm not that stupid!! Lucas didn't say those things."

"Did he ever actually say he didn't say those things??" Missy asked.

"Well no...." My voice trailed off.

He didnt. He just pushed the situation away.

"But those things he told you..."

"All fake." Missy put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry."

I went back to Lucas. "Is it all true??"

"What?" He said quietly.

"That this was all fake."

I was expecting him to say no but I got the opposite.


Tears immediately started to escape my eyes. I hardly ever got emotional but this was different.

The fair. The makeout sessions. This entire challenge. Was all a lie.

"Maya let me explain--" Lucas said.

"EXPLAIN WHAT?! That you don't like me? Yeah I realize that now."

I started to walk away when Lucas shouted after me. "PLEASEEE Maya. Where are you going?"

"Home. And this challenge is over by the way! You know, I was actually in love with you but ha not anymore! Don't expect anything from me."

I sprinted away.

No ones POV:
Missy smirked. "My work here is done."

NOOOO. Everything was going so perfect and ugh.

Lucas did say those things at the beginning of the challenge, remember Lucas and Maya hated each other??

But missy is behind all this... Somehow.

Don't worry things will obviously turn around because this story ends happily.

Btw have you guys heard SMILE BY R5???? If you haven't you need to. It's an amazing song.

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