Chapter 20 (last chapter)

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I stopped at a bench, panting for breath. I had ran awhile now, the trip back seeming way longer than the trip there.

Or maybe that's just because a part of me is gone.

I sat at a bench and just sat there. My shoes were covered in dirt and I felt like literal crap.

I can't believe he did this to me. It's like every other relationship I've ever been in.

Except I felt different this time.

I ran my foot in the dirt, just tracing circles.

Suddenly, lights came towards me. I looked up to see a familiar car.

The person got out of the car and walked over to sit next to me.

We sat in silence, listening to the sound of night,

"How'd you find me??" I asked.

She took a deep breath and looked at me. "I heard what happened."

More silence. "That's not what I asked."

"Farkle told me." She said simply.

I rolled my eyes at the mention of Farkle. Again, my fault. If Lucas and I didn't start "dating" Farkle and my best friend wouldn't be dating right now.

"Yeah well I don't wanna talk about it."

"Why not?"

"I don't want to."


I looked over at her. "Riley. Leave it alone. It's just like all the other suggestions I have been in, where things go horribly wrong for me. Your life is perfect."

I hated comparing life's with Riley, but it's true.

"That had nothing to do with this." Riley paused, waiting for me to say something.

She continued. "You didn't even let Lucas explain."

I rolled my eyes again. So that's how she knew.

I suddenly stood up. "Listen I don't wanna talk about it!! Can you please just take me home??"

Riley was hesitant but stood up with me.

I opened up the door to the passangers seat and leaned my arm against the window.

The entire car ride was silent.

-the next day-
Ava woke me up the next morning. I glanced at my phone and looked at the date.

Oh it's Monday.... Yay!!! Note my sarcasm.

I got out of bed slowly. I really didn't want to go to school today. I never really do but today I just can't handle it.

I don't really face Riley. Or missy. And more importantly Lucas....

I guess I was going to have to use the fake sick card.

I went downstairs still in my pajamas and searched for aunt Becky.

I found her in the kitchen pouring cereal into a bowl.

I let out a fake cough and sat at the counter, coughing "accidentally" in Ava's cereal.

Ava glared at me. "Ewwwwww!!!"

I ignored her and pulled a sick voice. "I'm not feeling so good today."

Aunt Becky looked a little concerned and felt my forehead. "You feel fine."

"Well that's--" I stopped talking and coughed again.

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