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A year. That's how long it's been. A whole year since the troubling events in the Dark Realm. A year since Patton attempted his Christmas Carol. A year since Virgil and Deceit died. No one was looking forward to the holiday this time around.

Sure Logan was doing better. His stress had gone down tremendously since he got his powers. In using them with his everyday tasks he's cut down on all the time it would take, allowing him to be there for his family. It hasn't been easy though. 

Roman was a mess. He rarely ever left Virgil's room for the first half of the year. Then he just... locked the door. He locked the door and threw away the key... refused to so much as look over at Virgil's door. It broke everyone's heart. Roman refused to go into the subconscious. Often times he would just stay in his room. 

Whereas Patton was... honestly he was not really any different from Roman. Logan knew Patton wanted to help Roman but with how sad he was he would make it worse. So often times Patton avoided him. He avoided everyone except Logan who wouldn't let him. Patton has the power to alter people's emotions so him being in that state wasn't good for those around him. Logan didn't mind. He wasn't letting Patton go again. Not after what happened last time.

Thankfully people have been coming to help so Logan wasn't the only one trying to do anything. Emile helped Patton with his jobs, while Remy took over for Roman who refused to do anything. What do you expect though? Roman is Thomas's romantic side and the love of his life was killed and taken from him. It's surprising Roman is even coming out at all.

Speaking of which... Roman stood there staring at his cup of coffee lost in thought as Logan made his fiance his breakfast. Logan would glance every so often at Roman and frown seeing just how lost the prince really was.

"Roman?" The prince simply narrowed his eyes as Logan pushed a plate of toast towards him. "You should at least eat something, Ro. I have some crofters still if you'd like some?"

"No thanks, Logan." Roman started to leave only to sigh and turn back around. "Actually, I should... I haven't eaten anything for a while." Logan nodded as he pulled out a jar of crofters and passed it over. 

"Go ahead and take it, Ro. I've got to go shopping anyway. I'll just pick up some more." Roman nodded as Logan carried a tray off towards the bedrooms. His hands shook as he slowly picked at the bread, not even putting anything on it. He really wasn't hungry. He was only eating what he was because he knew he had to. Roman sighed as he rested his head in his hands. 

"December 1st, huh?" Roman's blood went cold as he swirled his cup of coffee. "This whole month can go to hell."

Roman could feel his throat beginning to burn but no tears came to his eyes. He just had no more tears to cry. Roman slowly pushed himself up discarding the rest of his toast and coffee before pausing and just staring at the jam. Logan's been the only good thing that happened that month. He's been kinder and really trying to help. Whereas before he would have tore Roman a new one, now he's been understanding. Roman grabbed the jar and sighed as he shook his head putting it in his hoodie pocket. At least one good thing came out of that nightmare.

Roman slowly made his way back to his room ignoring the sounds of Patton crying as he passed Morality's door. He tensed up for only a second when he reached his own, only because he was painfully aware of just how many more steps it would have taken him till he found himself at Virgil's. He had to force himself to open his door, like he does every time, before making his way in without one glance over at the patchwork door that haunted his every dream. Correction... his nightmares.

Roman stood there frozen as his body shook against the now-closed door. How could people do this? How could people really get over this? Roman wasn't himself anymore. That much was clear. He wasn't his happy dramatic princely self. He was but a shell now that his love was gone. He let out a shaky breath as he set the jar of Crofters jam on his dresser. He just didn't care anymore. He didn't care about anything. To be totally honest, It was even hard for him to care about Thomas. And that was saying something...

Roman slowly made his way over to his bed only to freeze seeing a small white box with a black bow sitting on top of an envelope placed in the center of his bed. No. Not this time. Not this year... Roman didn't understand what it was. He didn't want to know. He didn't care. But if it's anything like last year's Christmas carol, he'll snap!

Yet he couldn't make himself move away. He stared at the small box with a racing heart, his curiosity getting the better of him. Against his better judgment, he found himself picking the little white box up. His breath caught in his throat as he lifted the lid to find a key. It wasn't anything special but even still his interest peaked. He stared at the key as he picked up the envelope only to freeze up completely seeing the calligraphy. Who the hell writes so artistically? Roman couldn't even write that well. In fact, Roman's handwriting was fairly messy. Of course, Logan has always said the more creative a person the more sloppy their penmanship. It's usually the ones who put way to much thought into things that have nice writing.

"To Roman... Seriously, what the hell is this?" Roman set the key on the bed as he started to open the envelope. He dumped it on to the bed narrowed his eyes at the card that slipped free alongside a letter. "I don't have a good feeling about this." Roman picked up the letter and frowned as he began to read it.

"Dear Roman. There is so much to say and no real time to say it. So I'll just come out with the reason for this letter. I know you know the song 12 Days Before Christmas. You wrote a version for Thomas to put on Youtube. I've decided that I'm going to put my own spin on it as well." Roman's heart nearly stopped as he read. He knew it. He knew it would be something like the Christmas carol. Part of him wanted to burn the letter right then and there. "Today marks day one. Inside you will find a card and a key. Do NOT lose that key, Roman. That key means more than you think. It'll only open one thing. But trust me, when you finally feel that key turn, it will be worth it."

"I know things won't be easy. I know you're struggling to hold on. I know you better than you think, Roman. So please hold on. This is only the first day." Roman's eyes narrowed as he read the last line with a heavy heart. "Christmas should be a time of joy. So let's light it up with some carols, yeah?"

"F?" Roman frowned as he looked back over at the card. "Who the hell is F?" Roman grabbed the card and his sick feeling only grew as he read that. For the first time in so long, his eyes began to water as he held the card tightly. He grabbed the letter and card and ran right out of his room. "LOGAN?!"

Fearkeeper: Book 2 (Keeper Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now