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"So what's this?" Remus poked the tape making a silly face and Roman sighed as he held it out. 

"My latest task." Remus's eyes shined with excitement making Roman laugh. "Do you want to watch it with me?"

"Why?" Roman looked away as he bit his lip clearly worried. "Roman, is everything ok?"

"I just happen to know what's going to happen." Remus nodded as he quickly ran and put the tape in making Roman's blood grow cold. "Uh... Actually maybe let's not watch it?" Remus frowned seeing the pain in his brother's eyes. "I mean, what's the point right? I already know what's on it. I've made it far enough in the carol. I don't have to..." Roman clammed up the moment Remus reached out and took his hand with a soft smile.

"It's ok, Roman. I'm here." Remus led the prince to the couch and laid him down so that his head was in his lap. He waved his hand through the air and Roman flinched hearing the click of the tv meaning it was turned on. "Roman, it's going to be fine." Remus could feel Roman shaking as he curled up into himself. "You're not alone."

"He's gone, Remus." Remus's eyes went wide as the sound of laughter filled the speakers and Roman buried his face so he didn't look. "He's gone."

"Come on, Virgil!" Roman's voice filled the air from the video as Remus sighed resigning himself to watching it as Roman shook. "Dance with me."

"Why?" Roman sobbed loudly hearing his voice and Remus frowned down at his brother. "I don't dance Princey. I could trip and fall. I could hurt myself or you. Not to mention, it's embarrassing."

"Virgil... Dance with me." Roman could hear the sound of Virgil laughing as he slowly moved so he could see it. 

"Roman, stop." Virgil laughed as Roman spun him around the room. You could hear Patton laughing in the background as he recorded the video. Logan wasn't there at the time because he was working but all that meant was Virgil and Roman had the room practically to themselves. "You're going to trip."

"Lighten up, Anxiety." Roman literally lifted Virgil into the air as they spun before slowly letting Virgil back down to the ground and dipping him. "Dancing is about being in the moment."

"I'm Anxiety, Roman. I'm never just in the moment." Roman smiled softly as he inched closer to Virgil. "R-Ro..."

"Than I'll find a way to fix that." Roman pulled away before dancing off and leaving Virgil standing there with this blush on his cheek. 

"You two were cute together." Remus sighed softly as he looked down to see his brother's full attention on the tape. "You looked happy."

"Thomas was at his first proper performance on the big stage. Our dream of acting was finally coming true. I was ecstatic." Roman smiled softly as tears pricked his eyes. In the video, Virgil was chuckling as he shook his head watching Roman belt out one of the songs from the play Thomas was in. "But more than anything, Virgil was there. He never really came out of his room but he came to that. Having him there with me when I was already happy just made the day so much more... perfect."

"He looked happy too." Roman nodded as Virgil rolled his eyes tossing a pillow over at the prince in the video. The pillow hit Roman in the face shocking the man who narrowed his eyes challengingly. Virgil took off running weaving about the room until.

"Damn it, Princey, LET ME GO!" Virgil squealed as Roman lifted him and held him tight. "Roman... ROMAN!" The prince started tickling the man watching him squirm beneath him as they both laughed. "Stop! Roman, come on. Knock it off." Tears fell from Roman's eyes as he watched the video. His hand clenched his shirt knowing what was coming next. "God, you're such an ass!"

"This why I love you." The whole video went silent as Roman jumped up with clear fear and embarrassment. "Uh... I meant. I love... torturing you. I hate you. Clearly..." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman rubbed his arm anxiously. "Actually..." Roman pretended to yawn putting on a smile as he pointed towards the room. "All that running around really tuckered me out. I think it's time for a royal nap."

"Roman, wait." The prince paused after turning around as Virgil reached out for him. "You... You love me?"

"I didn't... mean to... let's just forget I said anything and drop it." Virgil grabbed Roman's wrists tightly preventing him from leaving only to falter seeing the tears in Roman's eyes. "Please, drop it."

"Tell me the truth." Virgil's grip tightened making Roman wince at the strength the younger one had. "Roman, do you love me?" Roman looked away only for Virgil to force him to look at him again. "Do you love me, Princey?"

"Of course, I do." Roman smiled as Virgil's eyes went wide. "I love you so much, Virgil." Virgil's grip weakened just enough for Roman to pull his hands free as the other just stood there frozen. Roman rubbed his sore wrists as he sighed and looked away again. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to ruin our friend..."

"Thank god." Virgil slammed into Roman, pulling him into a kiss just as the video ended. Patton had been so shocked he dropped the camera and broke it. Roman didn't even know he had recorded that but then again he is a father. Why wouldn't he want to document his kiddos coming together?

"Was that..." Roman nodded as Remus frowned. "I see."

"Before that, I wasn't exactly very... nice. Well, I was but I also said I hated him. I never actually did." Remus looked over to see Roman pushing himself up with a sigh. "That was when I finally told him the truth. Not the most romantic of ways to confess but... It didn't matter. In that moment it was just us."

"At least you had that time with him." Roman's eyes went wide as Remus smiled over at him. "You and Fear? You both got those years together. You both loved each other. I... I never got that with Deceit."

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I was..." Remus laughed as he nudged his brother lightly. "Remus?"

"Why are you apologizing? I got to see Fear so happy. I was with him as a baby... to see that little boy now... this." Remus gestured to the tv that was frozen at their kiss and Remus sigh happily. "It makes me proud. It really does."

"I loved him, Remus." The duke nodded as he pulled his brother in.

"I know you did, Roro." Remus smiled as he started the video over again and watched Roman smile. "Just like I know he loved you."

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