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Roman sat there on the couch watching the video for what seemed like the hundredth time. Remus had long since fallen asleep but he refused to leave Roman alone. Roman couldn't explain just how happy he was to finally have his brother back. 

From the moment they had split his mission was to find him... to bring him home. He searched and fought through the monsters trying to get to his literally other half but all he got was injuries. Scars littered his body from his many battles. All proof of the years he spent searching and now... now he was right there beside him asleep because of the carol. The carol brought his brother to him after all this time. They were finally back together because of the carol.

What else would this carol give him?

So far it's been small things. Well, small in appearance. Roman smiled as he watched Virgil laugh in the video. God, he missed him so much, but it wasn't hurting him like it was before. Not this video anyway. Roman's gotten so much from the carol but nothing as big as his brother. He's gotten a joke book and Patton laughing again. He's got dreamsand and the knowledge he can still give people dreams despite his nightmares. He's gotten fairy light and smiled for the first time. He got a flower and learned it was Virgil who made all of this. The idea of knowing Virgil did all this for him. He just wished he knew when this was made... and why those two unknowns decided to use it now.

"He looks so happy." Roman jumped looking over to find Patton sitting there and Roman noted right away the bright shining silver eyes. "In the video, Virgil looks so happy." Their eyes met and Patton smiled brightly looking over to see Remus sleeping. "I wonder if that's the first real sleep he's gotten."

"What?" Patton laughed as he shrugged.

"I don't know. The dark realm is a very dangerous place. No one really slept much there. Remus less so because he was always forced into the thick of everything. He didn't have a proper home. He wasn't allowed to. Colt literally sent him everywhere at any given time." Patton frowned as he looked back over at the tv. "I'm surprised he can even sleep at all. That man was always paranoid, afraid he was going to get attacked."

"So what... are you saying..." Patton looked over at him tears in his eyes as he smiled.

"Remus must feel safe here. That's something he's never felt before." Patton sighed happily as he laughed a bit. "I'm glad. That man means a lot to me. To see him so relaxed and happy. I've never seen it in him before."

"You sure know a lot about my brother." Patton nodded as he smiled.

"He practically raised me." Roman's eyes went wide as Patton held another box out for him. "You've nearly finished Roman."

"Wait, no. Go back. What was that about him raising you?" Patton laughed as he pushed the box into Roman's hands. 

"It'll all be revealed soon, Roman. Like a dramatic ending to your story... you're an actor. You should love the suspense."

"I should, should I?" Roman glared over as Patton just continued to laugh. 

"Like I said, you're almost done. You've completed 9 tasks already, Roman. This... This is the tenth. After this..." Patton froze up as the tears started to fall catching Roman by surprise. "After this, I pray you're prepared."

"What does that mean?" Patton shook his head as he held up the envelope before his form started to shift and waver becoming transparent. "Hey, wait?!"

"Finish the task. This one should be a little easier considering the video." Roman took the envelope just as Patton disappeared. "Hurry up Roman. Your next task is already waiting for you."

"Remus!" Roman nudged his brother as he whispers yelled but there was no response. "Remus!" Roman groaned seeing his brother sleeping there with no sign of waking up. Part of him didn't want to for obvious reasons, especially if the unknown man was right about Remus not usually getting any at all. Even still, he needed his brother. "REMUS!" Roman shoved Remus right off the couch only to jump as Remus jumped up summoning his mace with this terrified look in his eyes. Remus frowned looking around only to freeze seeing Roman before sighing and letting his mace dip. "Sorry."

"No, it's ok. I'm just... not used to being... safe I guess." Roman couldn't help but cringe again as Remus laughed and shook himself a bit before stretching. "I didn't even remember falling asleep. Damn. If I was back home, I would've been monster chow immediately."

"Remus..." Remus paused only to spot the box and he literally jumped onto the couch with a pep.

"YOU GOT ANOTHER ONE?!" Roman nodded as he watched his brother carefully. "Oooh, I wonder what this one is? Open it. Open it!" Roman couldn't even ask his brother his question because before he even realized what was happening Remus was tearing the bow off the box. "A book?" Roman frowned as he peaked in and froze up.

"No. Not just a book." Roman pulled it out and sighed as he opened it to see the pictures. "A photo album."

"Oooh." Remus frowned as Roman turned the page. "What's a photo album?" Roman froze hand still on the page as he shot his brother a look. "What? We don't have things like this in the dark realm."

"A photo album is a book filled is pictures. Like the video, it's a way to record memories. Patton was big on these things. This one..." Roman smiled sadly as he spotted Virgil in a picture flipping the camera off as he sat there on the counter with his cup of coffee and a small smile. "This one was of last year." 

"Dee?" Roman nodded as he flipped through the pages to find one of Deceit. There weren't many with him in it because Deceit never really left his room, but every once in awhile Patton would catch him. This one was while he was trying to steal a cookie. The look on his face was priceless but the look on Remus's... showed love. "He's so... covered." Roman nodded again knowing what he meant and frowned. "He didn't often wear so much. Usually, I found him in a tank top and jeans more than anything."

"He was hiding his injuries." Remus frowned as he brushed his finger over the picture. "We didn't know about them until Thomas summoned him without him knowing and... kinda let the cat out of the bag. Roman turned the pages again till he found the right one and Remus's eyes went wide. It was a picture Patton had Thomas take of them all before everything bad had happened. One big family picture. Deceit was actually smiling. Virgil was cuddled up to Roman and Logan and Patton were happily laughing at everything. "Everything looks so... perfect." Remus frowned more as he took the book from Roman. The prince could see the pain in his brother's eyes. "I..." Remus wiped the tears away as he sighed and closed the book and held it close. "I want that."

"I know." Roman pulled Remus into a hug as the two just laughed. "And you will, I promise."

Fearkeeper: Book 2 (Keeper Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now