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"What?" Roman was frozen there under the weight of what Remy had said. The two sat there in the silence until Remy sighed and shook his head.

"The only person I gave my sand to... was Virgil." Remy smiled sadly as he held the card tightly. "He came to me saying he couldn't get to sleep that... That his head wouldn't shut up. He was having nightmares." Roman flinched as Remy looked away. "His nightmares would get so bad he would end up staying up all night and then he would get sick. It was a vicious cycle so... I gave him some dream sand to help. I told him to use the sand when he couldn't sleep but... I also told him to have you help him. You could fix those nasty nightmares for him."

"If you only gave Virgil some then... How did I get some?" Remy shrugged leaving Roman there even more confused. That was until Remy got an idea. "You are absolutely certain it was dream sand you were given?"

"Yes, Rem... I've worked with you enough times to know what your sand looks like." Remy rolled his eyes as Roman frowned. "Why? It's not going to matter anyway. I can't give Thomas a dream. I just can't." Roman curled up into himself a bit as he wiped the tears from his face. "I failed. Like always. I failed Virgil. I failed Thomas... and I failed this too."

"Roman, you haven't failed." Roman narrowed his eyes as Remy smiled softly. "Not yet anyway."

"What are you talking about? I can't give Thomas a dream." Remy laughed as he handed the card back.

"You don't have to." Remy shook his head seeing the confusion in Roman's face. "The card simply says you have to create a dream. Plus on top of that, you were given some of my dream sand. Why would they give you dream sand if you were supposed to make a dream for Thomas?" Roman's eyes began to widen as Remy shrugged. "You don't need dream sand for him. You're already in control of his dreams. My thoughts are... they knew you wouldn't be able to do that... so they made it possible for you to do it some other way... for someone else."

"For someone... but who?" Remy's eyes darkened as Roman's hands shook. "It's obviously not me. I can't influence my own dreams. Logan doesn't dream so he's out..." Roman's eyes went wide again as he started to shake his head. "Nope. Not gonna happen. I already had to get him involved. I can't keep messing with Patton. It just isn't fair."

"I don't think it's about fairness, Roman." Remy frowned as he ran a hand through his hair. "You have to think about it, Ro. They are trying to teach you a lesson... or multiple lessons. What did singing a song do? What did making Patton laugh do? What is giving Patton a good dream going to do? AND WHO SAID LOGAN CAN'T DREAM! That bitch dreams just like everyone else." Roman was going to say something but stop short hearing what Remy had said. "I know better than anyone what the fucker dreams... I'm the one that holds on to them remember."

"Logan dreams? But he said..." 

"Forget about all that Roman. You have to focus on your tasks." Roman sighed as Remy tried to offer a supportive smile. "I recommend trying to answer that question that's been on your mind. However instead of asking 'Why do this carol?' Ask instead 'Why this task?' 'What am I supposed to learn from this?'"

"Thank you, Remy." Remy nodded as Roman shakily stood up and started for the door.

"Hey Roman?" The prince froze up as Remy smiled softly at him. "I'm pretty sure the purpose of this task is to show you... you can still provide for Thomas... even if you yourself have nightmares." Roman frowned as he walked out without another word. He didn't care anymore. He walked out and immediately into another.

"Roman?" The very prince mentioned tensed up at the sudden call of his name. His eyes darted up to see those of his father figment and his heart just dropped. Either Roman involves him again. Or he sees Logan... or Emile but Remy would probably kick his ass if he tried anything with his husband. "Is everything ok? You went to the subconscious."

"Uh... y-yeah." Roman shifted as Patton smirked.

"Good for you, Roman." Roman shook his head making Patton frown. "Not good for you? I'm confused."

"I just went in there and spoke to Remy. I didn't do anything." Patton sighed, sounding more like relief before he chuckled a bit to himself. Roman narrowed his eyes before looking up to meet Patton's eyes, that were for some reason glowing silver.

"Roman, dear... the simple fact is you went in there is a big achievement." Patton smiled softly as he took Roman's hand making the prince slightly confused over him not feeling the usual heartbreak that comes with the fatherly contact. "You don't need to push yourself so much. No one will ever ask that of you. Even if you didn't do anything... you made a dream come true, Roman." Roman's eyes went wide as Patton's smile turned brighter. "You going in there showed you that you can overcome this darkness you're stuck in right now. You sang a song that meant so much to you... you made me laugh... it all shows that even in the dark there is light. A light we're slowly starting to see in you."

"You... You think so?" Patton nodded as he pulled Roman in for a gentle hug. "Thanks, Pat. I don't know what I'd do without you and Logan."

"Don't even worry about it, Ro." Patton pulled away with a soft laugh before jumping back to leave. "Now I've got to get going but I just wanted to say one last thing. Things are going to get better. You just got to keep on swimming." Roman smiled slightly as he nodded and Patton laughed again as he ran off. "You've got this, Friendo."

"See ya." Roman whispered slightly to himself as he made his way to his room. "I made a..." Roman froze up seeing that familiar white gift box and his heart raced. "I made a dream come true." Roman's hands shook as he reached for the envelope, tears streaming down his face. "It wasn't about making a dream but... about being there... about wanting to... about making one come true." Roman looked around feeling those ghost eyes on him again and shook his head. "No." He set the envelope down and grabbed the bag of sand before walking out of the room. To him, he hadn't done his task. Even if he was allowed, he wasn't taking the cop-out. He was a prince god damn it. If he was going to succeed... 

He was going to do it right.

Roman slowly walked himself to Logan's room and frowned as he opened the door to find Logan asleep. He hadn't actually thought he would have been but Remy said once that Logan's been napping when Thomas was to reduce stress. I guess Roman just confirmed it but still...

Roman held the bag tightly as he made his way closer, his eyes glowing pink as his power surged in him. He stared down at the sleeping side as his hands shook. Forget about that stupid 'you made a dream come true thing'. Your task was to create a dream... you are Roman Sanders. If they could influence dreams regardless of how crappy they felt then so could Roman. He actually was the creator of dreams. He could do this... he had to do this.

"I'm sorry." Roman poured a bit of sand onto Logan who scrunched up his face and sneezed, not waking up at all. Roman's eyes glowed an even brighter pink as the princely side brushed Logan hair out of the way. "I know you said you don't dream... so I don't even know if it would work but... I want to give you something for all you've done for us. Like I said Logan... brothers by choice are stronger than brothers by blood." Logan's eyes fluttered in his sleep allowing Roman to see the pink glow in them and he tensed. "I am sorry, Logan. But... if it works, I know you'll love it."

Roman quickly ran out feeling the anxiety in him burn through his blood. He did it. He gave someone a dream. He...

He gave Logan a dream about his family...

His whole family.

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