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Best Christmas ever right? Virgil and Deceit are not only alive but at home. Roman and Virgil are engaged and even Remus is here. All is good. Everyone's happy. It's all perfect right?


You forgot one tiny thing. Colt... you know, the asshole who tried to kill Patton and ended up 'killing' Virgil and Deceit causing his mind to shatter over the guilt. Yeah... He had a sister. And she is not happy.

"WHERE ARE THOSE ASSHOLES?!" This blinding white light blasted through the space. Everyone jumped up seeing a very pissed off woman standing there within a white button-up, black pants, and a blue cloth wrapped around her eyes. "Fear and Deceit... I know they're here."

"Willow?" Remus whispered out as Deceit quickly pushed him behind Patton and Logan, who although confused set to hiding him. Willow slowly turned around and smiled evilly as Deceit shifted back.

"There you are." Virgil tensed as her head tilted towards him. "What? Did you think you could hurt MY brother and I wouldn't find out about it?"

"It isn't like that!" Willow whipped her hand through the air sending a blast of light into Virgil who just barely managed to get saved by Roman creating a shield.

"Get out of the way, Creativity." Roman stood there with a fire in his eyes as Virgil coward behind him. 

"No. How about this..." Roman summoned his sword going into an offensive stance as he stood his ground. "... why don't you just leave?"

"I'm not leaving until someone pays for what happened to my brother." Willow growled as she let wings of golden light unfurl behind her. Remus shook as he hid behind Logan and Patton, eyes wide. He knew Willow. He knew she would never stop. Colt was Thomas's Id. His impulsive nature... his darkness personified. The Dark Realms protector... Willow? She was Thomas's ego. His sense of justice... his light personified. Unfortunately, as his sense of justice, his light can get a little to... much. "I'll break them like they broke him."

"You won't lay a finger on them." Roman yelled as Logan nodded taking a deep breath.

"You say that but you can't stop me." Willow spread her wings out wide sending a flurry of golden glowing feathers shooting at everyone. Logan held his hand out freezing them in time before blasting them back only for them to spin around Willow and disappear. "I am light, Logan. You can't hurt me with my own power."

"No... But what about Colts?" Virgil's eyes went back as he gripped Roman's hand for support. "Or mine?"

"Our ours." Roman commented as a blast of Rainbow shadows tore through the place, shaping and forming into spikes. Willow frowned as Virgil bit his lip and all the light in the room save for what was being created by Willow began to dim and darken. "You won't touch them. This time..." Roman blinked turning his eyes a bright beaming pink as he and Virgil held their free hands out towards her. "This time we're all going to fight."

"Not all of you can." A ring of light appeared around Patton making Logan growl as Willow laughed. "Empaths have no offensive ability." She tilted her head towards Deceit and smirked. "Neither do illusionists..." Deceit narrowed his eyes as he shifted forward just to make sure she didn't notice Remus. "And last I checked Fear... You aren't shit without your pets." Roman and Virgil both snapped sending the blades down on willow whos light flickered catching anything that came to close until Logan smirked and suddenly her cheek started to bleed. Her fingers brushed the fresh-cut as she turned towards Logan who held his hand out with a blade frozen above it. 

"Time and spacial manipulation. I may not be... offensive but I'm not weak... bitch." Logan tossed the knife up before winking and disappearing. Next thing anyone knew Willow was crying out with a knife in her side as Logan appeared behind her. "Threaten my fiance again and I will rip you apart."

Fearkeeper: Book 2 (Keeper Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now