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Roman laid there staring up at all lights. They were off right now but even still they shimmered. It was almost as if they refused to die completely and Roman couldn't help but smile at them. God Virgil knew him so well. It was surprising. He never took the other man for such a romantic and yes... Roman was aware Virgil didn't actually do this. He's dead. But the simple fact that Virgil thought about this... That he planned it... It warmed Roman's heart.

There was a subtle knock on his door making Roman's eyes widen before he jumped up and ran over. There in front of the door was a box. Well, a chest with a lock on it and a black bow to sit on top. An envelope sat neatly in front of it and Roman frowned in confusion. He looked around once again feeling that ghostly stare on him but there no one. 

It doesn't make sense. Roman could understand Remy doing this. It made sense but... How would he get the gifts to Roman without Roman seeing him once. Remy's power was over sleep and his dream sand. Nothing more... So who was watching him that he couldn't seen... and where were they? Roman sighed as he picked the small chest up and the envelope bringing it into his room as he sat on his bed. Obviously he opened the envelope first. Inside was another key, clearly for the chest, and a card which he read.

"I told you, love. It wouldn't be easy. You're probably laughing at how I am being so cheesy. I'm sorry, truly I am but this is all I could plan. I am so proud of you. I'm proud you're hanging through after these things will be so much harder too. So as a gift for getting this far I'll just come out and say it. Write something down and lock it away but it MUST be a secret. Acceptance is key for yourself and for others. Honesty's important and not just for honor. So write something down and lock it away... that's all you must do to call it a day."

"Really?" Roman frowned in confusion as he looked over at the chest. His eyes narrowed as he unlocked it, letting the lock hit the bed. There was nothing inside it when he opened it, just the empty darkness. "I just have to write... wait." Roman reread the card and his eyes went wide. "That's why." Things are going to get much harder for him it said. Obviously, if things are going to get harder Virgil would make the one before it is as easy as he could. Roman tensed as he walked over to his desk and pulled out a blank page and a pen. 

It had to be a secret. That's what the card said. A secret. A secret is simply something you refused to share. Roman's an open book. He shares everything so... what exactly could be his... His eyes went wide as his hands began to shake. 

"Oh... well, there's that." Roman bit his lip as he started to write. The first line was easy. It was just a simple admission. He was not ok. His eyes misted as he continued on. He wrote everything he went through losing Virgil. He wrote about how he felt but then... Then he stopped. He never told anyone about his nightmares. Remy only knew because he was the keeper of dreams. Roman never talked about them. He never explained how they were all he ever had anymore. 

Roman's nights were entirely plagued by nightmares. Of him trying to save Virgil and of losing him. Of Deceit begging him for help as the two of them faded right in front of the prince. He never saw it actually happen. No, that unfortunate experience was something Logan went through. Even still, his mind refused to let him miss it. He watched them die over and over every night only for him to wake up crying and calling out for them, his voice falling on lost time. 

He gripped the pen as tightly as he could as he recounted his most recurring nightmare. Tears fell as it stained the page but he didn't care. The moment he was done he folded the page up and threw it in the chest locking it up as fast as he could.

"There..." Roman took the box and shoved it in the furthest corner of his room as if trying to never have to look at it again before going back to his bed. "What was the point of that?" Roman shook as he just sighed and let himself relax. At least that one was easy... of course, it was only easy because... there was another knock. Roman pushed himself up ignoring the way his heart just dropped. He was usually good at guessing who it was by the knock. Although the last one was tricky because it was subtle. The person who had knocked then was clearly hesitant as if worried about the outcome but determined to at least play the part of the confident person. Logan's knock is typically quick and precise. Patton's is soft. Virgil's was quiet and short. Remys... Remy's was loud. This one... This one was nervous. They knocked again this time louder and faster making Roman frown as he made his way up. "Yes, what is..." Roman's entire body turned to ice seeing who was on the other side when he opened the door. An envelope was held out to the prince as the man shifted uncomfortably before smiling anxiously.

"This... This is for you?" Roman took the envelope and the man took a few steps back looking around as if scared someone would catch him here and Roman's eyes teared up. "I don't...I don't know why I had to but... I made a promise so..." The man smiled again as he met Roman's eyes with his own gaze, eyes glowing an electrifying green. "It's nice to see you again, Brother."


Fearkeeper: Book 2 (Keeper Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now