Roman didn't open the fourth box right away. Although seeing what was in it, he wished he had. A small little flower sat in his lap as he looked over the card and sighed. He didn't really want to read it. So it was a welcomed reprieve when there was a soft knock on his door. The prince bounded up from his bed practically throwing everything but the flower, which he had set on his dresser, on to the bed as he ran over to the door. Due to the fact that the knock was so soft, he hadn't expected Logan to be on the other side... 

Or that he would have been crying.

"Logan? What's wrong?" Roman pulled the logical one in as he just cried. "Logan, talk to m..."

"Th-Thank you." Roman froze up as Logan smiled through the tears. "I never... I never thought I would..." He groaned as he chocked a bit on his words. "I never thought I would see them again and you..."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Roman, I'm not stupid. My dreams... when I have them are dull and..." Roman's eyes went wide as Logan sighed. "The one I had last night felt so real. Just one night with my family again. Caz and Virgil... my boys were right there with us again." Roman bit his lip expecting to get chewed out but Logan just laughed as he wiped the last of his tears away. "I know you had something to do with it. Didn't you?"

"You aren't... You aren't mad."

"Why would I be mad?" Roman narrowed his eyes in confusion as Logan smiled. "Roman you gave me something I never thought I would have again. Sure it hurts to know that it wasn't real but I got to see them smile. I got to see them laugh..." Logan's eyes darkened as his smile turned sad. "I got to tell them that I loved them."

"I didn't want to but..." Logan shook his head as Roman rubbed his arm anxiously. "They gave me a cop-out. When do I ever take a cop-out?"

"Maybe it was to spur you on?" Roman froze as Logan sighed softly.

"Roman, whoever F is they know you intimately. They would know that you wouldn't just take a given... besides what exactly was this..."

"I went to talk to Remy in the subconscious and Patton said I had made a dream come true by just going there. When I came back there was a box on my bed." Logan's eyes narrowed as Roman frowned. "But... the task was about making a dream... not making one come true."

"So that's why you gave me that dream?" Roman nodded slowly as Logan smiled softly again in thought. "Well, again... thank you for it, Roman. Now..." Logan smirked as he held his hand out. "This time I want them all Roman. No leaving me out again." Roman laughed as he handed him the cards.

"Ok... ok, I hear you." Roman handed Logan the card as he walked back over to the bed. Logan froze up as he read.

"Have... Have you read this yet?" Roman frowned in confusion as Logan slowly turned to meet his eyes. 

"No... why?" 

"Oh, Roman... You need to read it." Roman tensed as Logan handed it over. His eyes skimmed the page until they caught one word and he had to start it all over with a heavy heart.

"Roman... It's hard for me to say this, but you were always my light. You saved me and taught me bliss... and made my day so bright. You gave me life my dear sweet Roman, and for that, I am so grateful." Roman's voice shook as his hands trembled so bad he had a hard time focusing on the words. "You pulled me from the dark and showed me something so beautiful. You saved me with your love and power all I ask for your next task is to do the same with this flower."

"You saved them..." Roman's eyes welled up as Logan reached out cautiously. "Roman?"

"Logan... They said I loved them." Logan's eyes went wide as Roman literally dropped the card, his hand still frozen in the air. "You saved me with your love... Lo?"

"I know." Logan picked the card back up and took a deep breath making Roman very confused. It was only a second for the prince but suddenly Logan was on the floor hyperventilating and shaking something horrible. Roman jumped up instantly running over to help only to freeze as Logan let out a deep shaky breath and watched the frozen fog leave him. "Dark Realm..."

"Logan, what the hell..."

"Th-the c-card." Logan shook as his body begged for warmth. "I-I was t-trying to see when it was written but... It's just really c-c-cold."

"I'm lost. Why would the card be..." Logan grabbed Roman's wrist making the prince freeze up at the tears that started to fall from the logical one's eyes.

"Not the card... the writer." Roman narrowed his eyes as Logan looked down at the card. "Roman... at one point the writer... was in the dark realm."

"Ok so..." Roman's eyes went wide as he tore himself from Logan's grasp. His eyes went a vibrant fluorescent pink as tears fell freely from them sending streams of glowing pink light down his cheeks. "No. No, it can't be..."

"Think about it, Roman. F knows you intimately. He cares enough to go out of his way to do this for you."

"The dream sand..." Logan's eyes narrowed as Roman's hand went to his mouth to stifle the gasp. "But... I don't understand. He's dead."

"Things like this take planning." Roman met Logan's eyes as the logical one looked away. "For all, we know this could have been in the making for a while now. Chances are he'd had this started long before he died." Roman stumbled back making Logan VERY concerned as he just sat on his bed looking off in shock. "Roman... I know this is painful but..."

"I can't quit." Logan's eyes went wide as Roman's voice cracked. "I can't quit. If he did this then I can't just quit. He would never let me. He knows me too well. The moment I'd try he'd do something to make it so I'd keep going."

"Like the cop-out." Roman nodded as he thought about everything over again. Yes, the cop-out was what spurred him on but... it was really Logan's talk and then Pattons support that truly pushed him. Roman's eyes darted to Logan before he shook his head and sighed. This is stupid. Logan is on his side with this. What's the point of being suspicious? 

"I just don't get it. I never once thought he would do something like this." Roman ran a hand through his hair as he closed his eyes in emotional exhaustion. "You never cease to surprise me. Even now that you're gone..." Roman smiled a little as the exhaustion pulled at him. "Do you Virgil?"

Fearkeeper: Book 2 (Keeper Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now