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"What?" Virgil shifted uncomfortably as he let his hand drop. 

"I asked if you'd marry me." Roman stood there stunned as Virgil's smile fell the longer Roman didn't respond. "You... You don't have to say yes, Roman. I didn't really think you would." Roman's eyes went wide as Virgil smiled through the tears stepping back as he threw his arms out. "I mean I let you think I was dead for an entire year. Why would you ever marry me? It's completely fine if you..." Roman pulled the man in kissing him hard as he sobbed into him. His arms wrapped around Virgil as he just crashed and Virgil was left holding Roman up with this confused look in his eyes. "Roman?"

"You're alive. You're alive... and you're here." Virgil smiled softly as he ran his hands through Roman's hair. 

"I told you you'd see me again. Every card and letter I spoke in the present tense." Roman simply held him tighter and Virgil frowned feeling his love's fear surround him. "I am not going anywhere, Love. I'm real. I'm really here. You're not going crazy... and you won't lose me again."

"Virgil..." Roman's sobs made his voice crack like crazy. "You're alive? But Logan..."

"He only saw what we wanted him to. He and Colt both. We couldn't let him interfere." Virgil frowned as Roman shook in his arms. "Cassidy made it so he couldn't move. That way he couldn't stop us or get hurt. He made it so his power wouldn't work while... While I read Colt's worst fear and we... we made it real."

"You were dead. He saw you die. You faded. You..."

"I'm sorry Roman. Colt was never going to let dad go. We had to do something to protect you guys. HE HURT YOU!" Roman pulled away seeing the pain in Virgil's eyes as the younger one furiously wiped his eyes. "He hurt you. He hurt all of you. I had to do something, Roman. I had to."

"Virgil, I'm not..."

"What was I supposed to do? I couldn't leave everyone to those monsters. They listen to me... respect me. If I left they would attack everyone again." Virgil groaned as he hugged himself. "If we showed ourselves, Colt would have snapped. We couldn't risk it. We couldn't but... Roman, I love you. Seeing you like this, I couldn't do it anymore. I'd risked everything to be with you... And coming from anxiety that's some pretty heavy shit."

"You said we." Virgil froze as Roman stepped back with this look. "Virgil, you just said we. Who..."

"You've been talking with him. Did you really not notice?" Roman's blood froze over at the sound of Patton screaming out for Logan. Virgil smiled as he took Roman's hands again. "Cassidy and I... we had to come home." Roman took off running dragging Virgil along with him only to freeze seeing the sight before him in the living room. 

Patton was standing there frozen in Logan's arms, both of whom were crying like crazy. Then... Then there was Remus who was on his knees looking as if the world was ending... or that God himself was right in front of him. And considering who was right in front of him, it made sense.

"It's been a long time Remus." Deceit stood there in a plain yellow tank and black jeans with a smile on his face. His purple scaring did nothing to lessen the smile he had or the glint in Deceit's eyes as he knelt down to be face to face with the man. "I'm so very proud of you."

"C-Cassidy?" Deceit nodded as Remus hesitantly reached out for him. "But... You're dead?"

"No." Everyone tensed as they all looked back to see Virgil tearing up again. "We aren't."

"Someone tell me I'm not dreaming." Patton whispered as Logan's eyes narrowed. Virgil smiled as he nodded giving Logan permission who came over and took his hand. Logan's eyes went wide as visions filled his head. Memories from Virgil of the day 'they died'. Virgil and Deceit watched from the sidelines as Colt killed their copies. "Lo?"

"You've been alive this whole time?" Virgil nodded as Logan stepped back with a frown. "All that time..." Virgil tensed as Deceit was about to say something but Logan just pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You never should have had to do that. I should've been able to help you."

"Teach it's ok..."

"I love you, Virgil." Virgil froze up as Logan cried into his shoulder. "You and Deceit both. You like sons to me. A father should be able to protect his sons... not the other way round." Patton smiled as he walked over joining the hug and Roman just beamed. His family was back together. Everyone was together at last. 

"Yes." The room went silent as Deceit's eyes went wide. Virgil slowly turned to look back at him with tears in his eyes. Roman just smiled. "Yes." He repeated and Virgil pulled himself free from everyone who besides Deceit were all entirely confused. 


"My last task... Answer the question." Virgil's eyes went wide as his hand went to his mouth to stifle the gasp. Roman walked over pulling him in close as he gingerly placed a hand to Virgil's cheek. "Virgil, I love you more than anything. Losing you was literally hell on earth. I lost everything. My dreams... my drive... my hope. I didn't want to live without you." 

"R-Roman..." Roman just shook his head as rested his forehead on Virgil's.

"Now... Now I never have to." Roman closed the gap kissing Virgil as if it was the first and very last time they would ever get the chance to. The world exploded with color and shadows dancing across the sky. Each shimmering shadow exploded into glimmering rainbows as the kiss seemed to last forever. When they finally pulled away Roman placed his other hand to Virgil's face and laughed at the pure shock Virgil had seeing the ring on Roman's hand.

"You... really? Even after all..."

"You came back to me, Babe." Virgil seemed to deflate, but Roman knew by the shine in Virgil's eyes, it simply an emotional overload... an overload of unabated happiness. "I don't ever want to let you go again. So be prepared, Virge. By this time next year... I'll be calling you my husband."

"A Christmas eve engagement!" Patton squealed with joy as he cried. Roman laughed as he brushed Virgil's hair back. "So cute!"

Fearkeeper: Book 2 (Keeper Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now