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(Warning- Disturbing imagery.)

"What up Roman lettuce?!" Roman jumped as Remus literally jumped onto his back laughing. "Have you gotten another card yet?" Roman shook his head and Remus frowned as he jumped off and tapped his foot in thought. "Maybe you haven't done your 'task' yet." Roman sighed as Remus beamed. "Maybe you should stick your dick into some..."

"Ok, let not finish that sentence!" Remus clammed up with a pout as Roman just stood there with a horrified expression. "Family-friendly please?" Remus frowned as he shifted a bit and Roman tensed seeing the pain in his brother's eyes. "Remus, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all. Now..." Remus took a deep breath before smiling wide again and laughing. "What exactly was this task of yours?"

"I don't know. He said I had to forgive you but..." Remus cringed as Roman's frown grew. "You've done nothing wrong. I was the one that... oh." Remus shot Roman this confused look as the prince just deflated. "No wonder this was considered a hard one."


"He said I had to forgive him..." Roman's eyes darkened as he stepped back with a shake of his head. "He never specified the him I had to forgive." Roman could see the confusion grow as Roman hugged himself. "I need to forgive myself."

"Oh, fuck..." Remus slapped his mouth again before clearing his throat and laughing. "I mean fudge."

"What was that about?" Remus bit his lip as Roman narrowed his eyes. "Remus..."

"You said family-friendly..." Roman's eyes went wide as Remus rubbed his arm awkwardly. "It's hard Roman... I'm not family-friendly. I'm as child safe as a baby meat suit costume to go trick or treating over at a cabin in the woods filled with starving wolf packs." Remus gasped sucking in as much air as he could after his long-winded sentence without taking the time to breathe. 


"I'm gonna go fuck some toast... I MEAN... FUCK!" Remus groaned as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "I meant, I'm going to go make some toast." Roman just watched as Remus walked off with clenched fists. "How would I even fuck a toast. That doesn't even make any fucking sense. Toast don't have assholes." Roman stood there frozen in immense confusion as his brother walked off until...

"WAIT, WHAT?" Roman ran after the duke finding him making toast like he said he was going to. Remus frowned as he looked back to find Princey giving his the weird look. "What was that about?"

"What was what about?" Remus laughed a little as he hummed. "You're gonna have to be specific. My brain is like entrails after a blender... It's a smoothie."

"That. That right there." Remus froze up with a cringe as Roman jumped up and sat on the counter. 

"Uh... I meant... I'm not all there mentally. Is that a more appropriate way of saying it?" Roman nodded albeit very slowly as Remus smiled. "Good. Now I need to go eat my dic... my toast. I'm hor... hungry!"

"No something is wrong." Remus frowned as Roman took his hand stopping him from leaving. "What going on with you?"

"It's nothing really. Like I said. I'm just mentally not all there. I'm as put together as bee's dick after ejaculation when fucking his queen." Roman's eyes widened even more as Remus slapped a hand over his mouth for the third time in less than 20 minutes. Roman pulled his hand away as Remus began to cry. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm trying. Really I am..."

"Remus stop." The darker one hiccuped as Roman tried to calm him. "Now, please tell me... what's going with you."

"Ro... I'm Thomas's darker thoughts." Roman narrowed his eyes giving his brother his full attention as Remus groaned in frustration. "I'm his less than moral way of thinking... meaning there is no family-friendly with me and trying to be only causes me to get... worse."

Fearkeeper: Book 2 (Keeper Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now