"LOGAN!" Roman burst through Morality's door startling the other sides. Logan glared over at him as Patton pulled away from Logan with a frown. Roman was trying really hard to ignore the pain in his chest that he got the moment he walked in. It wasn't like it was any different from how he always felt anyway. "I'm sorry. It's just... Logan?"  Roman quickly walked over handing the logical one the card as he wiped the tears from his eyes. Patton shifted so that he could read over Logan's shoulder and his eyes went wide.

"I miss the moments you'd smile with glee and beam as you hummed beside me. Or when you'd sing as you stood below the mistletoe. Or sang as we played in the snow. Music would play all season long but now I see it all but gone. All I ask is for you to sing and bring back the music that made it all worth celebrating. So now I'll give you your very first task. To get the next gift you must sing I'll be home for Christmas..." Logan narrowed his eyes as he handed the card back to Roman. "What is this?"

"I was hoping you'd be able to tell me that." Roman frowned as he stuffed the card into his hoodie pocket. "It was just in my room. A-Along with a letter... Logan, it's a fucking 12 days of Christmas thing." Patton's eyes widened even more as Roman choked back a groan.

"I-It wasn't me. I swear. After what happened..." Roman shook his head cutting Patton off as he stared at the ground.

"I know it wasn't you, Dad. I just... I don't understand it." Logan sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Well, the only way you're going to learn more is to sing the song." Roman jumped shaking his head with pain clear in his eyes making Logan frown. "Roman, the task was clear. You have to sing that song otherwise you won't move on to day 2."

"I can't, not that one."

"That's the song that was picked..."

"I said no Logan."


"THAT'S THE SONG I SANG HIM!" Logan flinched as Roman reeled back at his own voice. Patton frowned as he held his hand to his chest feeling Roman's pain. "I'm sorry. I just can't. I sang that song to him every year... all the time. It was our Christmas song. I just can't sing it."

"I understand, Roman, I do. Unfortunately, if you want to know more about this, you have no choice. You have to sing it but..." Logan took Roman's hand with a soft smile as Roman shook slightly. "Don't push yourself. Nothing is worth hurting yourself over it. Not even information. If you can't sing it... don't."

"Thank you, Logan." Roman smiled sadly but like usual it was clearly fake and filled with pain. He started to leave when a hesitant hand found his and he was suddenly drowning in pain. His eyes darted over to see Patton with a clear question in his eyes as he held Roman's hand tightly. "Don't worry dad. I'm not leaving you any time soon."

"J-Just p-promise me you're going to b-be ok." Roman nodded as he removed his hand from Patton's grip moving instead to hold his hand up softly. "R-Roman? I just d-don't want to lose a-anyone else."

"I promise you, Dad. You are NOT going to lose me." Patton nodded as he let his hand drop letting Roman leave the room before he broke down. God forbid Patton saw how he affected Roman, that would have been terrible. Roman stood there in the hall for god knows how long just trying to figure out where his mind was. Logan was right. If he wanted more information... especially if he wanted to figure out who this F person is, he was going to have to sing that song. However, just the thought of that made his stomach twist.

He tried. You have to give him credit for that. He stood there in the hall mouth open in an attempt, however, the words just wouldn't come out. He couldn't get them to sound. He just stood there tears falling hard as he froze up in pain. He couldn't do it. Even if he wanted to. All he could see was Virgil's smile. He could hear the song in his mind. He could hear him singing it as Virgil laughed. He could see him spinning Virgil around as he sang it. He could see it clear as day...

And it tore him apart.

"Why?" Roman shook as he slid down the wall. "Why that song?" He struggled just to breathe as he gripped his hair tightly. "Why that one? Why did it have to be... Why... Why?" He sobbed quietly as he shook his head so hard he made himself sick. "Why? Why Virgil?" Roman choked as he curled up into himself. "Why did you leave me?"

"Roman?" The broken prince simply laughed as he looked up to find Emile standing there. "What are you..."

"I'm having a breakdown." Roman joked as he tried to push himself up. He ended up stumbling only for Emile to have to help him.

"Roman, I know you don't want to hear it but..."

"Emile, don't. I'm fine. It's just a small setback." Emile only narrowed his eyes as Roman tried to brush it off.

"Roman, it's been a year. You haven't spoken to anyone about this..." Roman's eyes darkened as Emile held the side up so he didn't fall.

"I don't need to, Emile. I'm fine." Roman pushed himself out of Emile's arms sending him stumbling towards his room. "I'm fine."

"You're grieving, Roman. You haven't even been there for Thomas. Clearly you are not ok." Emile smiled sadly as he tried to reach out. "Let someone help you."

"I DON'T NEED HELP!" Emile flinched back as Roman's eyes started glowing pink. "So just..." His eyes dulled as he gripped his door nob tight. "Just please... leave me alone."

"You need to say goodbye, Roman. I don't care how... or when. Just that you do." Emile's eyes darkened as his smile fell. "You'll never learn to move on until you do."

Roman pushed himself into his room and just broke down. He stumbled over to his closet fumbling around until his hand met the familiar fabric he's kept locked away for so long. Roman's heart dropped as he pulled the black hoodie out of the closet and held it close. Emile's right. He needs to say goodbye. He just doesn't know how.

"I'll be home for Christmas; You can plan on me. Please have snow and mistle-toe, and presents on the tree." Roman's voice shook as he cried into the hoodie. Somehow the song still held a tune. "Christmas eve will find me, where the love light gleams. I'll be home for Christmas. If only in my dreams."

Fearkeeper: Book 2 (Keeper Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now