Underwater Safari

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A few weeks later

The cravings definitely picked up as I reached the beach I planned to search, it didn't help that it was crowded but I needed to get into the water, fast. That thing about sex that Sweeney said was stuck in my head, just going round and round like a train. I strut towards the water as a few boys hollered at me "where ya heading beautiful?" I ignored them "come back doll!" I let myself sink into the waves happy to get away as I swam a little before going deeper.

Underwater is where I could make some real distance, I managed to reach the kelp forest before swerving down to the roots where the seaweed is said to be grown, but that could be any kelp forest? I was hoping it was this one, who's how many people...

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Underwater is where I could make some real distance, I managed to reach the kelp forest before swerving down to the roots where the seaweed is said to be grown, but that could be any kelp forest? I was hoping it was this one, who's how many people I'll end up devouring at the next bay?

I'm not gonna lie but it felt damn good to be in the water again, with fins and all that. The jet stream was a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time, the way it tossed my hair around and tried to throw me off course, it didn't work but it tried.

It felt like all my feelings came to surface and spread throughout the water around me as I swirled around searching for the green weed, it allowed me to think about my love life, my social circle and what a life I'd had, the old one was pretty shit but this new one had somewhere to go and I liked that.

It felt like all my feelings came to surface and spread throughout the water around me as I swirled around searching for the green weed, it allowed me to think about my love life, my social circle and what a life I'd had, the old one was pretty sh...

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There were no words to explain the feelings of elation when I finally found the right plant, it was glorious and right in my hand. The answer to solving my feeding issues, to being with the leprechaun, and being around humans safely.

A shadow was cast over the water where I was but I was running out of air, I needed to surface but people would see me which wouldn't end well. I also needed air to be able to eat the plant without drowning.

It seemed like everything made sense but then again nothing made sense, I grabbed as much of the weed as I could and I grabbed a lot of it but now I could mark it on my map and phone where the location was so I wouldn't have to travel the country scouting for it again.

I pushed myself off the floor and shot out of the water slightly shocked to see Wednesday stood on a boat "I'm not gonna ask" he had shadow with him "see? Siren" I smiled with a little bag full of seaweed dangling out of my hand, I noticed he had ...

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I pushed myself off the floor and shot out of the water slightly shocked to see Wednesday stood on a boat "I'm not gonna ask" he had shadow with him "see? Siren" I smiled with a little bag full of seaweed dangling out of my hand, I noticed he had that look on his face when he received bad news

"Is that what you were looking for?" I nodded excitedly "uh huh! It's going to fix everything" they glanced at each other "what happened now?" Wednesday took a step back as I tossed the bag up before diving back down, collecting the others and shooting out of the water onto the boat then morphing back regaining my footing as I was given clothing other than the bikini I stood in.

"Is that what you were looking for?" I nodded excitedly "uh huh! It's going to fix everything" they glanced at each other "what happened now?" Wednesday took a step back as I tossed the bag up before diving back down, collecting the others and sho...

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They took me inside and told me to sit down "it would seem the leprechaun has defied his loyalties to you, he and Laura...fucked" I swallowed hard trying not to break down "did you tell him to?" Wednesday stepped closer

"No, this was of his own accord" I slipped off the seat and wept on the floor out of sheer heartbreak, how could he?! I opened up, I even said the 'L' word! I told him he meant something to me and he goes and does this?! Do I have a sign on me that says 'please cheat on this girl, she deserves it!'?

I just couldn't come to terms with the man who begged me not to leave sleeping with my best friend? There were no words, eventually Wednesday attempted to cradle me like a small child, he sat by me as my eternal tears fell

I just couldn't come to terms with the man who begged me not to leave sleeping with my best friend? There were no words, eventually Wednesday attempted to cradle me like a small child, he sat by me as my eternal tears fell

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"Ochi (no)" I denied Wednesday as he went to pass the phone which the leprechaun was daring to call. I didn't want to talk to either of them, not after they've caressed each other's bodies while I was still loyal in waiting for his sweet touch.

Was I such a bad person that he felt he had no choice? Was I too strong or willing? Did I have too much fire in my soul? Or was it the way I looked? What i was? How I behaved? What drove this man to deceive me in such a manner to sleep with my best friend?!

When both men had finally let me be, I let out all my screams which seemed to bounce off the walls piercing my own ears, but I was already hurt, slain even. What did it matter if someone carved into my corpse afterwards? Surely it couldn't get any worse? But I knew all too well that fate was that cruel, as it had done before, it would get worse and even if I struck myself down and never rose again, I wouldn't come back.

My body cradled in the corner of the room, my hair a mess as my hands continuously swept through it searching for answers to why this cruel fate had been set upon my stone but they never came, my face ached from the tears that flowed like a tsunami of fire scorching all that stood in its path turning my skin to what felt like ash.

Someone had set a sledgehammer to the inside of my skull as it pulsed violently begging my brain to solve this answerless riddle I had been given, but free will has no answers, just choices. And sweeney made his choice, now I make mine.

How could I have loved a man so dearly and then it all be shattered in less than twelve hours? I had to move on, I had to never see the two of them again nor speak to either of the two again.

It was for my own good, god knows sirens are jealous violent beasts, and I was no different from the rest of my dead pod who I slain to protect the man I fell for and the woman I called a friend. No matter what I did, the tears never ceased to fall and my screeches were never silenced for long but I'd made up my mind. I was running again.

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