Pulled away

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The next morning
The covers would've been ripped off me but Laura only came in as I awakened "don't you dare!" She gave me a strange look then searched the bed finding many many pieces of gold "Lorelyn! That's too often!"

I clung to the covers as she tossed a bag of fitness clothes to me "get up, Audrey's on her way" I left the safety of the covers as she turned around and changed speedily.

"Drunk-off-her-ass Audrey? The Audrey who tried to get me to place pictures of you and her husband at your grave?" She tossed me a hoodie noticing my scars, "she's taking you to a 'after-surgery gym class'" I tied my hair back staring into the window as someone entered the home.

Laura ignored the newcomer and continued "have you visited your grandmother yet? She was a siren wasn't she? She should've come here" I tilted my head "Laura, you know me and giagiá (grandmother) don't get on well. She's not going to want to see me...also she was a nymph"

I heard Laura murmur something "who would've thought sirens and nymphs could hate each other?" I glared at her spotting the leprechaun giving us both confused looks "sounds like a lovely woman" I adjusted my hoodie "grandma nymph hates lorelyn cause she's a siren, or a 'mia frikiá fýsi' whatever that means"

I gave her an annoyed look "freak of nature, it means freak of nature. And being a nymph, a nature spirit, when she found out I was a 'mia frikiá fýsi'(freak of nature), she voted to throw me out of my own home or drown me in the sea. I just hate how up front she is about everything"

laura turned fully to me "Wait, what did she say about me?" I gave her a fake smile "nothing" my grandmother had called her a few rude names and said she needed to bring some children into the world before she grew too old. She also said that Laura was a lousy person like I was and swore too often...she wouldn't like Sweeney

"Lore, what did she say? Honestly" I sighed "she called you many rude names, said you need get knocked up and bring some babies out before you get too old, she called you and me both 'lousy' and apparently you swear too often. Happy?"

She glanced at Sweeney them "she doesn't speak a word of English, hows she know when I was swearing?" I kissed the man sweetly "my grandfather taught her them...and nothing else unfortunately"

Laura looked offended as I shoved my hands in my pockets "I didn't want to tell you, her meeting lucky charms is out of the question. I would rather cut out my eyes than listen to her spill all her opinions about lucky charms and baby timings...scares me just thinking about it"

I wasn't feeling partly well that morning, I had a headache as well as being tired when I'd done nothing at all. As Sweeney brushed his hands up and done my arm, he noticed my temperature was particularly high, I felt slightly faint but the longer I was active, the more convinced I was that I could go in through the day "you're not well. Go nap it off" I waved it off as Laura went and checked my temperature "I'll call Audrey, you're not going anywhere in this condition"

She sat me on the bed "I'm fine. I'll walk it off" a knock at the door sounded, Laura went to answer it as Sweeney attempted to settle me "Audrey, I'm sorry. Lore's sick or somethin-""Laura, I'm fine. If I can't do this, what can I do?"

I was already agitated that they were fussing over me like a small child, and now Audrey was eyeing my man! "Now that's a man if I ever saw one" Laura kept trying to convince Audrey that I was 'sick' as I gathered my stuff to go.

I was already agitated that they were fussing over me like a small child, and now Audrey was eyeing my man! "Now that's a man if I ever saw one" Laura kept trying to convince Audrey that I was 'sick' as I gathered my stuff to go

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