Chapter 30

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With the morning's briefing having went well as usual, Rain could foresee no hiccups to the day, which had her beaming with pride for her tech team, they sure were the most efficient bunch one could ever hope for. Flinging a folder onto one stack of completed work to the right side of her desk, Rain paused movement, wondering about Blaze, her brother and second in charge. She didn't do this often, but lately, something was niggling at her senses.

Generally, Blaze was an amazing support system, must be the beta blood in him, Rain mused. He was wonderful really, the reason Rain had never missed a detail when it pertained to their huge family is mostly because the former beta took it upon himself to doublecheck and tripplecheck everything they had going on in their group. He was so thorough it freaked Rain out at times because if he ever did misbehave, he would probably cover his tracks so good that their family would be none the wiser till it was too late. But the rogue tried not think too darkly of anyone, the lack of trust was a thing of rogue genetics after all.

This train of thought came from how lately, Blaze takes on more of their workload and is the first one into the office and the last one out. Some documents Rain doesn't even hear of unless they are doing periodic recon and filing. And even those are prepared by Blaze!

Shaking off the feeling, our Rogue kept on with her work, during which, she found a loose folder laying right off the edge of her desk and about to fall off.

She flipped through it, realising it was nothing big. "Just a duplicate." Came her mumble. Picking it up, she thought to shred it to avoid confusion and double booking. However, upon aproaching the machine by Blaze's corner of the office, she noticed something else. Of course it was shredder waste but this particular paper was still half there and hanging off one side of the machine.

Curious, Rain lifted the piece of paper to come upon a map full of route markings and scratched paths over it. What weirded Rain out was the location of the markings on the routes and hills, they were oddly familiar yet Rain knew she had never seen nor attended to that type paperwork previously...

Just then Blaze walked in, "Hey I brought you cof- sh*t Rain let of go of that!" He quick as lightning put the cups down then ripped the paper out of a bug eyed Rain's hands and turned the shredder on, finishing off what's left of the paper. Then remained hunched over the machinery.

All this time Rain's eyes were stuck studying her brother's form incase she had missed something, because for once he was actually hiding something from her. She growled lowly, the disgust undisguised on her face. "This is what we do now? We keep secrets from each other?!"

Blaze was struck with fear, for all a big man he seemed, losing Rain's trust after everything they had been through was NOT on his wishlist. "Look," he braved  pulling her in for a hug, though she was stiff. "I am sorry but it's better off left in the trash, you know I would never bring harm to you nor the others."

Rain knew that, she knew Blaze to be a futuristic planning type of leader, in a selfless manner that is, but she also knew it was in their damned rogue blood to either want to destroy someone or yourself... Her claws were slowly unsheathing themselves as she coldly returned the embrace. The urge to dig them into his flesh strong, she frowned.

"Hey," he urged the rigid woman, pushing her face up to his and  maintaining eye contact. His golden eyes shined with sadness because hers were harsh with suspecion, "trust is very important between us, I know that. But I would rather lose your trust than let you get hurt again. Its cool, It's ok. Everything's fine." He patted her shoulders, letting her go before continuing on his way to sit on the edge of his desk, his head bowed in shame.

Rain was dumbfounded, she couldn't put her finger on Blaze's words, in their line of work, getting hurt was a certainty so why would he mind that now? She was near certain that piece of paper had something of her past in it, and then her mind started rolling in the theories; What if her brother here was in cahoots with the wrong people? Did this mean she would have to watch her back now? Or was Blaze in trouble?

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