Chapter Seven: Once A Lover, Now A Friend

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Later, when I awoke. Rovick was leaning over me, his hands alight in blue flames. He looked terrible and just completely exhausted. His eyes were closed, and I could tell he had been healing me non-stop for hours. My body felt a bit stiff but besides that, I had miraculously made a full recovery. I grabbed one of Rovick's hands and sat up. He jumped, shocked and opened his eyes.

"My lady, you're okay?"

"Of course, thanks to you."

"It's a miracle, the blade just missed your heart. If it had been just a bit more to the left. I don't think even your Father would have been able to save you. Even his majesty has limits when it comes to life and death."

"Lucky me, I guess the universe still has plans for me." I joked and motioned for Rovick to help me up.

Rovick chuckled and helped me stand. I finally took in my surroundings and I was back in the bedroom. I focused my mind, looking for Angel. That was until I heard a loud thud and glass shattering. Then I knew exactly where he was. Rovick grabbed my arm before I could run out into the living room.

"They're just arguing, let them fight it out. It's been a long day, Gorenora."

Rovick had a sad and exhausted look on his face. He was serious. I had almost died, again. Hopefully for the last time.

"I need to see Angel. He needs to know I'm okay." I insisted.

Rovick nodded and released me, "Of course. I understand. Just, be careful."

I quickly gave Rovick a tight hug before opening the door. Rovick walked out of the room behind me and into the chaotic mess that was now our living room. There were black feathers and glass everywhere. All of the furniture and shelves were knocked over, anything on them scattered onto the floor without care. Angel stood on one side of the room, while Toris was at the other.

As soon as the door clicked shut behind me, they both turned and looked. All the anger that had filled the room previously had suddenly vanished as they both looked at me, with relief in their eyes. I turned my attention to Angel and my heart melted with content. He dropped whatever was in his hand, it looked like a piece of a shelf and ran up to embrace me. He cupped my face with his hands and just stared at me.

"I thought I lost you."

Tears were welling up in the corner of his eyes and that was enough to make my heart burst with emotion. I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him as tight as I could. As tears streaked my cheeks, he brushed them away with his thumbs and pulled me into his chest.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Angel!"

"Sh, my Sweet. It's okay."

"I love you, Angel."

"I love you too, Gorenora."

Once I had finally calmed down Angel took a step back, so I could compose myself. Rovick walked up and offered me his handkerchief, which I accepted. Through wiping away my tears I noticed Toris looking over at us. He looked so distant and full of self-loathing. I couldn't help but feel such deep sympathy for him.

"Are you feeling better, Toris?"

He seemed taken aback by my question like he wasn't expecting me to talk to him. After everything that's happened between us once he got sick, I guess I could understand that.

"Yes, M'Lady."

As he replied he turned his gaze to the floor. Father must have sent him with Rovick for us to get some closure and so Rovick could keep an eye on him. Toris was one of our best soldiers, if he could recover, he would be a great ally. Angel still held a bit of rage towards him but once he noticed his submissive composure he relaxed.

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