(19) No one Teaches you how to cope with heartbreak.💛

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(Deceits Pov)

That's something that's always seemed odd to Thomas. (And by Thomas more so Patton)
When you fall and graze your knee your helped up and mopped up and your little graze is helped with one of them superman plasters.
When have stomach pain your given medicine or when you get older painkillers.
When you break a bone it's casted up and told to rest.
Throughout life were taught how to fix things if they hurt or break.
So how come no one is ever taught how to deal with a broken heart?
Because Right now Deceit really wanted to know.
The pain in his chest was to much to handle. As he teleported back to the dark side of the mind palace his sobs were loud coming straight from his stomach. That hurt.

He appeared in the dark sides room. Remus sat there on the sofa. He turned around when he heard Deceit. His eyes turned wide in alarm. He looked like he was about to say something or even get up to comfort him.
But he sat there.
And Deceit couldn't blame him.
He didn't blame him for anything anymore.
He didn't even Blame Virgil.
He blamed the light sides.
He blamed them for everything.
He turned around tears still slipping down his cheeks. He went to his room and sat down trying to compose himself. Half of him wanted to grab something and smash it against a walL.
But for the most part all his body could do was sit their limply as he sniffled.

He heard a knock on the door.
"De?" "What Remus"
Remus walked in. He wore his usual comfy clothes. His white sweat pants (with its usual stains after he's been Munching on food) and green hoodie. His hair was tangled so his white streak went all over the place.
"Are you planning on listening to your stupid Taylor swift breakup songs for the next 2 week?"
Deceit threw a pillow at him. That was one time!
Remus gave a little chuckle.
That made Deceit want to grin. He hasn't heard him chuckle in so long. 
"Well are you gonna sit here and mope? Or are we gonna plan our next move?". Deceit couldn't help but break out into a grin.
And when he looked at Remus his smile was just as big.

He still had that pain in his heart though. It could take some time to go away.
But he had his best friend back.
That was good.

But one things for certain
He was gonna make the light sides suffer just like he had.

(Word count 436)
Hope you enjoyed I know it's a little short but just really wanted to put something out.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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