Dealing with the idiot twins

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The weeks passed slowly but surely. Everett was slowly getting used to not having to do all the work and no one punishing him. Then it went very wrong very quickly. John had just left for the clinic so Everett and I decided to go on a walk to see Lestrade and who should we run into but Donnervan and Anderson. I immediately tried to turn us around but Everett wouldn't let me. Instead, he simply asked me,
'Dad why does that man smell like that lady and work on his floor when she can clearly earn enough working as police officers' they looked at him in shock 'Another fr-'
Gordan turned up just in time 
'Don't you dare call him that, my office NOW.'
'But sir-'
'NOW!' They traipsed off.
'Thanks, Uncle Gavin'
'No problem. Ignore them, your Uncle says hello.'
'So how are you got any cases for Dad he keeps pretending he's not bored but he's close to shooting the wall again.'
I faceplant.
'Yup new one in today can't quite figure it out. His uncle has been saying he'll look after him. I tell you what when John gets off work drop Everett round at Mycroft's and I'll meet you there. Here's the file.'
'Will do'
'He means thank you. See you later Uncle. Oh and Uncle John says you and him best be round on Sunday for a family dinner.' And off we went.

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