chapter 7:happy dance

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a knock on the door woke me up, I opened the door to find Carla with a phone in her hand.

"good morning", she said cheerfully.

"good morning, come in".

"Martin is not here ?", she asked sitting down.

"I heard him leave an hour ago", I answered

She nodded her head and gave me the phone.

I dialed the number they told me to call if anything went wrong, I walked to the furthest point away from Carla until someone picked up.

"who is this?", a coarse voice answered.

"its Lillian ".

"okay wait", he said coldly.

I felt so nervous, what if they don't let me speak to my dad?, what if Martin found out really why I was that day in the forest? I felt my heart beat faster at that thought.

"I have been waiting for you", keanu's malicious voice said on the phone," you were supposed to be here yesterday, what happened with you?".

"I did exactly as you told me but they caught me, I tried to run or convince them to let me go but they didn't, the alpha was going to kill me but then he changed his mind", I whispered so that Carla didn't hear anything.

"Why did he change his mind?"

"because...",I didn't know if I should tell him this, but I knew if I hid anything from him he was going to hurt my family," because I'm his m-mate".

I heard a loud gasp on the other side of the call, "you're martin alaricks' mate?".

"yes", I spit out.

"This is amazing this is more than amazing", he said laughing like a maniac," everything is going to change now, your family will stay captive and you can't come back, you will stay there and do what I tell you or your family will die, starting with your sweet grandma", suddenly I heard my grandma scream in pain on the other side.

"no no no please I will do everything you tell me to do please", I pleaded as I felt my heart clench and tears started pouring down my face.

"Okay then you will stay with Martin and act like everything is okay, I want you to know everything about him and about the pack, and I want you to tell me every single thing you find out , is that clear?"

I closed my eyes while more tears came running down my cheek "please let my family go, I will do anything".

"they will stay with me until our mission is done".

"But you told me you were gonna let them go if I did what you want".

"well that was before I knew you are martin's mate", he said sardonically "you are gonna be much more useful than I thought, what about James?".

memories of the dead man flashed back in my mind as I checked to see if Carla was still far enough before I spoke.

"he's dead, Martin killed him".

"well that's not surprising", he said blankly.

"can I speak with my dad? please".

"I don't know, can you?" he said with sarcasm.

"I need to speak with him", I said through gritted teeth.

"okay only for five minutes", he said before I heard shuffling and murmurs.

"Lilly?", I couldn't control my tears when I heard my dad's warm voice.

"dad I'm sorry", I burst out crying, the guilt I was feeling was unbearable.

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