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JUNE 12, 1985 8:20 P.M.

Mike started setting up Dungeons & Dragons for him and Will to play with.

"Will, the game's about to start, come sit down."

"Okay, who's going first?


9:15 P.M.

Will and Mike played for almost an hour, and Will was getting tired. He wanted to do something else.

"Hey Mike, do you maybe wanna... do something else, like grab a snack or something?"

"Oh yeah, sure. Why don't I go upstairs and grab some stuff while you start cleaning up D&D? Sounds good?"

"Yeah, sure." Mike ran upstairs to get some snacks while Will cleaned up the board game and the pieces.

What're we gonna do now? Oh my God, please help me from this incredible feeling, Mike is the one. He is the only one I need to keep me happy.


Mike's P.O.V:

Mike ran upstairs and into the kitchen to get food for him and his best friend.

Hmmm, some popcorn sounds good, and maybe some Snickers and Milky Way bars too.

Mike microwaved the popcorn, found some candy, and searched for a bowl to put it all in.

Why does Will stare at me, all the the time? Why is he so concerned with my mental health? Why does Will get angry when Eleven and I hang out? Why does he blush every time I say something nice to him? Does Will.... like me?I knew it. He liked me the whole time. At this point, I don't even know his sexuality. 

The popcorn was finished microwaving, it beeped.

I mean, I don't mind it. It's not a big deal. He's probably too scared to say anything related to his sexuality to me, anyway.

I've always liked girls, but I've never thought of Will in "that" way. I mean, he is pretty funny, and can be really fun to be around, but he doesn't talk to me about his personal life anymore.

Will is different from other boys. I've always liked Will's eyes and how deep brown they are, and how they glistened in the sun. He also has some freckles, but they're not that visible. But one thing that always gets me is his smile. When Holly and I were yelling in the kitchen, Will got embarrassed, and giggled. His laugh is extremely contagious, and it can make anyone easily fall in love with him.

End of Mike's P.O.V.


9:30 P.M.

"Will, I'm coming down!" shouted Mike as he closed the basement door.

Mike ran down the stairs too fast, and on the last step, he tripped on it. Mike fell on his back, causing popcorn and candy to fly everywhere.

"Ow! Oh my God, my back! Shit!" shouted Mike as he cried out in pain.

"Jesus Christ, Mike are you okay?" Will ran over to Mike, but he tripped on a piece of Snickers, causing him to fall on top of Mike, Will's head on top of Mike's chest.

"Are you okay?" both Mike and Will asked at the same time.

"I'm fine, sorry I fell on you." said Will. "It's okay, I'm good also. My foot could've slipped." replied Mike.

Will blushed until his cheeks turned red, he felt so enlightened and happy.

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