"turning a million shades red at the sight of his face"

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DECEMBER 22, 1985 3:50 P.M.

Will ended up not telling Mike that afternoon.


He walked down to the basement to find a sad Will on his sleeping bag right next to his. He always wondered why his friend was always quiet ever since he visited them.

Mike was about to ask his gloomy friend how he was but then Nancy ran down with her coat on.

"Guys! It's snowing. Johnathan and I are gonna go and play in the snow, wanna come?"

"Sure, be outside in a minute," quickly replied Mike. "C'mon Will."

The boys slid on their heavy coats and hats and ran out to the yard to see Nancy and Johnathan having a snowball fight while powdery snow fell on their cold faces.

"They're such a cute couple," said Will. He noticed how the two were laughing and having a good time while throwing snowballs at each other.

"Yeah. Their last names combined are called 'Byler.' Y'know, Byers and Wheeler. Has a nice ring to it." replied Mike.

"Yeah," said Will, knowing that it was him and Mike's names combined also.

The boys ran over to their siblings and decided to make teams.

"You two can be together. Nancy doesn't wanna be with Mike," said Johnathan sarcastically.

"Not true!" said Nancy smiling. "But I still don't wanna be on Mike's team."

Both Will and Mike giggled and formed a mound of snow on one side of the yard while their siblings formed another.

"Wanna know a secret I always use in snowball fights? Always take your gloves off for forming the snowballs and so they don't slip out of your hands," said Mike, making direct eye contact with Will, knowing that he has trouble doing that without turning a million shades red.

"Okay." Will slipped his gloves off and piled them next to Mike's.


For the next 45 minutes, the siblings had an awesome snowball fight, and Will's hands were frozen. He couldn't feel his hands. They decided to call it quits because the sun was going down now that it was getting closer to 5 p.m.

Will looked at Mike and showed him his numb, almost-purple hands. Mike held Will's hand and flinched because even though his hands were numb, Will's were even number and colder.

All the blood rushed to Will's cheeks as Mike grabbed his hand. 

The feeling was immaculate, almost like an angel reaching in and touching his soul.

Freak. He'll never like you, idiot.

9:50 P.M.

Mike interlocked his hands into Will's, slowly making out with him on the sleeping bag.

The telephone rang, waking Will up from his daydream. Telemarketers.


Mike sat on his sleeping bag thinking. So did Will. It was so awkward.

Mike broke the silence. "El's been on my nerves ever since you visited. Is she always like that?"

"No. Maybe she's just... not into you that much." Will shuddered at the into you part.

"It's just... I don't feel the electricity anymore," said Mike.

"What electricity?" 

"Well, when you kiss someone, you sorta feel like this electricity all over, like an angel touching your soul," explained Mike.

"Oh." Will always wanted to have his first kiss with someone. Especially Mike Wheeler, his childhood best friend who he's been madly in love with since kindergarten.

"I think I'm gonna break up with El. I think I need some time away from dating her since we don't see each other much." Mike sounded pretty confident saying that.

"Really? Will she get upset?"

"I hope not. Her loss. Not my fault I lost feelings... Oh. That sounds so rude. God, what is wrong with me."

Will just stayed silent. 

He fell back into his wonderful daydream once again.


hi everyone! so i'm pretty much the worst writer out there and i have literally 0 ideas. 😳 how surprising.

BUT i do have some very good ideas for an elmax story i could include in the next chapter so stay tuned for an elmax update within like 1 week. i'm quite busy with school and have like 0 motivation but I PROMISE BYLER IS COMING. don't get me wrong i love this story and want to finish it but it's gonna take some time for me to get my motivation back up.

ty for understanding love u all :)


daydream | bylerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora