"i wanted him to look at me. but he just couldn't pull his eyes away from her"

998 21 74

DECEMBER 22, 1985 10:15 A.M.


We all sat in the dining room to eat breakfast. Mrs. Wheeler made Eggos, scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast, it was delicious. I sat directly across from him. I couldn't stop staring at his beautiful face. El sat next to him, she kept pecking at his cheek. God, I hated every second of it. It felt like every time they interacted romantically, a knife stabs right through my heart. It hurts.

Mike loved Eleven ever since I went missing. It was like she replaced me while I was gone. I just wish he loved me the same way I loved him. I can't explain this feeling I get when I'm around him.

I wanted him to look at me. But he just couldn't pull his eyes away from her.

God, why me?



Before Mike, El, and Will went to hang out in the basement, Joyce let them know that Lucas, Dustin, Max, Steve, and Robin were visiting in an hour. "Get changed you three, they'll be here in an hour." Joyce smiled. Will liked that about his mother, she was gentile.

El changed in Mike's basement bathroom, and Mike hid in a corner to change. Will waited for Eleven to get out of the bathroom.

He knew that this would be wrong, but Will slightly turned his head towards the corner Mike was changing in. Will saw Mike struggle to get his shirt on. This was like the dream I had. He blushed at the sight of Mike... and his clumsiness...

Once they were all dressed, El and Mike sat on the couch while Will laid in his sleeping bag, third-wheeling as usual. He studied Mike's lips, and how every 2 minutes El kissed them. She was so passionate when she kissed him. Will noticed that Mike's eyes were open when she kissed him. He didn't seem as passionate as El was.

The phone rang. It snapped everyone out of their romantic thoughts. Mike answered it. "Hi. Max? Yeah, she's here, I'll put her on. Of course." Mike handed El the phone. "Hi, Max! Oh really? Yeah sure, just a minute." El wanted to talk to Max on the phone upstairs so the boys couldn't hear the girl-talk they were discussing.

"Yeah you can talk upstairs," replied Mike, "just make sure Nancy isn't using the phone." 

El ran upstairs and closed the basement door, leaving Mike and Will alone. Will laid back down and faced the wall so he didn't have to deal with the awkwardness and the blushing bullshit every time they were left alone. 

Mike crawled over Will and onto his sleeping bag. He slipped and made his pillow hit Will's face.

Will snatched Mike's pillow and slammed it on Mike, starting a pillow fight. Mike smirked at Will and snatched back his pillow and hit Will's shoulder. They were both giggling as Will tried to get the pillow from Mike and he kept slamming the pillow on Will's back.

Will was tired of fighting Mike. He flopped his head on Mike's blanket and Mike was sitting up with the pillow ready to hit Will's face. The pillow smacked Will's face leaving a red mark on his cheeks from the impact. It looked like he was blushing. Will looked up at Mike and smiled, and he was smiling back.

"That one hurt, Paladin," said Will giggling.

"You're blushing, Cleric," said Mike, as he looked down at the small boy who's cheeks, were bright red. Mike was blushing, too.

Will's eyes widened with fear. He got embarrassed and turned his head but Mike laid right next to him so their lips were literally 2 inches apart. 

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