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DECEMBER 20, 1985 11:00 A.M.

Will woke up. It was all a dream. 

"Will, get up." said Eleven faintly. "Mom wants you up."


The rest of this book takes place 5 months after the last day of school, and 3 months after Will moved. It is now December 1985. If you are confused, basically while Will was asleep one night in Illinois (the state where Joyce, El, Will, & Johnathan moved), he dreamed about dating Mike. It was all a dream. This story happens after season 3. Everything that the rest of this story includes is all made up, it doesn't follow the original plot of the show because there is no season 4 yet. Please enjoy :)


"Will get up, you slept in." said El as she barged into Will's room. It was 11:16 a.m. Joyce was homeschooling Will and Eleven and she had El wake up Will before he's late to start his schoolwork.

"Alright, okay, El I'll get up." Will said in a raspy tired voice.

"C'mon, mom and Johnathan want to tell us something and she needs you up so she can tell all of us."

Will got out of bed and El left the room letting Will get changed.

"Hi, honey! C'mon sit down with your sister so we can talk." said Joyce all excited.

Will was not having it. All he could think about was the dream. "Can I at least have some breakfast?"

"Yes, of course, but after you sit down on the couch with all of us because your brother and I have something we want to talk about with you and El." said Joyce.

Will and El sat down together as Joyce began.

"So, since Christmas is right around the corner, Johnathan and I decided that it would be a good idea for all of us to visit Hawkins during your friends' Christmas break."

El and Will couldn't believe it. "REALLY? WE'RE GOING TO HAWKINS?" they shrieked at the same time.

"Yes! Aren't you excited?" said Johnathan.

"When are we going?" asked Eleven excitedly.

"So, here's the game plan. I would like all of us to start packing today, so we can be out the door by tomorrow morning. But here's the thing, we are gonna surprise your friends in Hawkins, so they don't know." explained Joyce.

"Okay, mom. See ya!" exclaimed Will and El as they ran to their rooms to pack.

El grabbed a suitcase and clothes and ran to Will's room to talk to him while they pack their bags.

"I've been dying to see Mike for the longest time, what about you?" asked El as she stuffed jeans in her suitcase.

"Oh yeah, I miss them a ton, I can't wait till tomorrow!" said Will as he grabbed socks out of his drawer.

"I can't wait to give Mike a big hug and kiss him like it's the end of the world." El was daydreaming about Mike, and so was Will.

This made Will shudder slightly. Just the thought of Mike made him get butterflies in his stomach. Will missed Mike's beautiful face and bright personality.

Mike is my happy place, I need him.

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