the kiss

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JUNE 12, 1985 9:45 P.M.

"Um, Will, can you get off me now?" said Mike.

"Oh, sorry Mike. I was just... uhhh... never mind." Will got off of Mike and sat on the couch, so did Mike.


"Hey, um, it's getting late. Should we get changed now?" asked Mike. "Okay." replied Will.

Will took his bag into the bathroom and quickly changed into his pj's. He had forgotten that Mike was also getting dressed, so he walked out of the bathroom, seeing Mike only in his boxers.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry Mike! I forgot you were in here." said Will as he ran back into the bathroom.

"It's fine, Will. I'll be done in a minute." called Mike from outside the door.

Oh my god. I can't believe my eyes. Mike, shirtless. That sounds so gay, but it feels so right. I want him, and only him. God, why does Mike Wheeler have to be so adorable?

"I'm done, Will. You can come out." said Mike.

Will opened the door and saw Mike wearing flannel pajama pants and an old t-shirt. "Hey, I'm really sorry about what happened a minute ago, I didn't mean it and I forgot you were even in here, sorry again." said Will.

"It's not a big deal, Will, but thanks for apologizing. It wasn't embarrassing anyways." replied Mike.

"What?" Will was confused and wondered why it wasn't the least bit embarrassing for Mike.

"Never mind. I'm not ashamed of myself, so that's why I wasn't embarrassed when you saw me. End of discussion." said Mike.

"Oh, okay." said Will.

Both Will and Mike sat on the couch at the same time. It was 11:26 p.m. Mike was very tired, and he wanted to go to bed soon.

"So, how have you missed me?" asked Mike, "Does Eleven have anything to do with this?"

"Not really. I just feel like we haven't hung out much after you and El started dating. Same thing with Lucas and Max, but you're different." said Will, regretting the last three words.

"Why am I different? Do you prefer me over Lucas? I don't care, I just wanna know why." questioned Mike.

"It's nothing. It's just that... I've known you longer than Lucas, and you're my best, best friend, so I wouldn't wanna be lonely while you and Lucas are making out with El and Max, y'know?"



"Do you... like me?"

"Ew, no! You're with Eleven anyway, what's the point?" Will was not expecting Mike to ask him that.

"That seems weird, because every time I talk to you, your cheeks get red, and you smile like you love me." Mike knew Will was lying.

*Will sighs* "Mike?"


"I've always wanted someone in my life to make me happy, and feel like I belong, and you always make me feel happy and loved." said Will.

"I feel the same way, Will."

"Wait, really?" said Will in shock. Does Mike like me back? What is he trying to say? I just wanna know what Mike's saying.

Mike scoots closer to Will and looks him straight in the eye. "You're amazing. You make me smile in ways that you don't even know about. I love you, Will."

Those words hit Will like a bullet, but instead of gunpowder, it was love powder.

Will's heart is beating out of his chest. He can't believe it.

Mike gets closer to Will, he gently presses his lips against Will's. Sparks fly, electricity spurts, fireworks go off, all in Will's head.

Will grabs Mike's cheek while Mike wraps his arms around Will's neck, not breaking the kiss. It gets heated as Will begins to think.

Mike is mine. After two years, he's finally mine.

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