Temporary return

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(Nina's POV)

"Can you explain to me why we're here and not over in Splendor's woods?"
I had asked Diane, since we were wondering why Kit Kat had left the mansion as early as she did.
"Katline said something along the lines of someone named Ben winning some game that was supposed to be used for stealth."
"And this includes her because...?"
"She's one of the targets."
"I would have loved to play. If the game wasn't played here."
"No you wouldn't have played it anyways. Kat and her brothers were all targets."
"And Ben found all of them? Shocking."
"Nah, He kinda took them from Rose, but that's because she took Kat and Jeff from him."
"And Liu?"
"With that Toby person Katline pulls pranks with."

We waited for what seemed like forever. Finally, Jeff and Katline walked out of Slender's mansion. Following a plan Diane had came up with, she lowered my ass to the ground.
"What the hell? Who are you and what do you want?"
"Calm down Jeff. I'm going to assume you and Diane followed me."
"We were worried Kit Kat. And besides, I kinda wanted to have a word with Ben."
"In his room. And, no, I'm not giving you directions."
"No need Jeff, I already know where his room is. Second floor, far right."

Walking past the two, I entered the mansion. The proxies looked at me, confused on who I was.
"What? You guys act like you've never seen a former resident."
"I'm going to assume that you're Nina, right?"
I nodded, causing Masky to burst out laughing.
"Shut it Timothy. Last I checked, you're still being out ranked by Toby."
This caused him to stop laughing, and what I assumed was, glare at me.
"Anyways, I'm going to have a word with Ben. Don't worry, no one is going to be harmed in the process."

I bolted up the stairs. Heading down the right hallway, I began thinking about what I would have to say.

"Ben, why is Katline doing YOUR job?"
"She was found by me. Besides, it was part of the game. Now, who the hell are you?"
"Oh, I don't know, Nina? Name ring a bell?"
"As in 'crazy, obsessed Nina'?"
"I hate you. Anyways, Katline is not going to be used for your stupid ass game. So, I'll be taking her back to the Splendor mansion as soon as I get outside."
Before turning to leave, Ben's door opened.
"Next time, send Jeff or Katline out. I nearly got caught."
"But, then it's a dead giveaway. And then, we'd have to bail them out. And I can't be helping with that for another month anyways."
"The fuck? How many people are you having do stupid shit for you?"
"Three. Now get the hell out of my room, 'Mary Sue'."
Flipping Ben off, I left. Seriously, does anyone know about what he's doing?

Back on the main floor, the proxies were still in the main hall.
"Does anyone know what the hell Ben's up to?"
"Yeah, he rigged his own game. Added an unfair rule."
"So that's why he won. I thought Rose had taken the three from him."
"No, apparently if one player has already caught a target, another player can take said target. In my case, I had taken Jeff and Katline. Followed Toby, and took Liu. Once towards the yard, Ben took all three."
"I hope you do know that Ben sent one of the 'targets' out. Apparently, it sounded like a suicide mission."
"Is that little-"
"I'll deal with him. I didn't spend a year and a half with those three for nothing. Nina, I'll have Toby and Princess here find Katline and Jeff. Take Katline back to the Splendor mansion."
Masky's head turned so he was facing Sniper.
"Excuse me? Who's 'Princess'?"
"Oh, that would be you."

Sniper had gone upstairs. Masky, Toby, and I headed outside. I waited with Diane, while the boys went to hunt down Jeff and his sister.
"Is it just me or does the guy in the white mask seem pissed?"
"Who? Masky? No, he was just given a nickname. Doesn't like it, but I'm sure he'll get over it."
"Oh, okay. What is it?"
Diane had to prevent herself from laughing. I shrugged, thinking about all the times I've given out nicknames to the others. Disturbing. Except for Jane's, cause she's a bitch.

Thirty minutes later, Masky and Toby returned, followed by Jeff and Katline.
"Alright assholes, get moving. If I see your face again, I'll beat your face in."
Masky had pointed at me, and I already knew he was furious.
"Okay, chicken shit. I'll try and avoid you at all times. By the way, tell Sniper that, on behalf of Kit Kat, Diane, and I, she's invited to join us whenever we go out for killing. And I'm sure you're boss won't mind."
"Like she'll listen to you. Your the reason why I'm currently wearing steel toe boots."
"Your welcome."

Katline, Diane, and I left, leaving behind a pissed off Masky with Jeff and Toby, who were both confused.
"So, why'd you invite a sniper rifle out to go killing with us?"
"Diane, Sniper isn't a rifle. Although, it'd be hilarious if she did own one."
"Oh, the blue haired lady. She does have a sniper rifle, but it's pretty busted."
"Well, what do you know."

Once back at Splendor's mansion, the three of us were greeted by someone leaving.
"Who the hell was that?"
"Dema Catherine Harlen. She prefers to be called 'Cat-Head'."
"O-kay then. Not the first time someone's come up with something like that. But we'll live with it."

Nina the Killer-I don't kill for entertainment anymoreWhere stories live. Discover now