Chapter 2

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"Uh... We're kinda full..." He tilted his head to the side.
"What about the security guard? I can do that." Justin offered.
"Oh.. Uh.. Yea. No one's wanted to do that." He grinned, holding out a hand. "The name's Chris."
"Justin." He took Chris' hand and shook it.
"I bought this place cheap." Chris leaned against the doorway of his office. "Kinda of a dump. Had those pesky robots cleaned up. Repaired. Cost me a bit more then I cared to spend."
Justin nodded, not really caring for his babbling. "Can I see them?"
"Of course! Right this way." He expertly moved amongst the kids while Justin struggled to find his way through them.
"Right here is the stage." Chris nodded at the three animals.
Justin almost choked on his own spit. They looked.. Different.. They had made them.. Cute. Bonnie was white and blue with heavily applied "make up." Chica had a new bib and her.. Figure looked more like a female's. Freddy had a nice top hat and rosy red cheeks. They seemed to glimmer in the stage lights as they performed.
"Gotta love em'." Chris grinned, patting Bonnie's side.
"Yea..." Justin turned away. "What about the other one?"
Chris looked confused. "What other one?"
"The fox." Justin said, impatiently.
"Oh, THAT one." Chris seemed to shiver. "Him and his little female friend are still in old Pirate's Cove."
"Why?" Justin asked, worried.
"We began work on the female, but nobody wanted that mangy fox around. Not after the bite of '87..."
"He's not bad." Justin snapped, not being able to control himself.
"I'm not saying that... He's a robot." Chris laughed uneasily, trying to relieve the tension. "I hated that stupid fox anyways. Didn't belong here."
Justin clenched his fists but he willed himself to calm down. He needed this job.
"Tell you what." Chris slapped Justin on the back, causing him to jump. "I'll give you the job. You start tomorrow. You seem like a nice fella."
"Thanks." Justin mumbled. "I'll be here."

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