Chapter 21

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The balloon boy stopped and pointed into the dark room of Pirate's Cove.
"He waits for you here." He smiled dangerously before skipping away and disappearing.
"Wait!" Roxy cried, but he was already gone.
She turned back to the dark entrance of Pirate's Cove. Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside.
"Marionette...?" She asked into the darkness. "Are.. Are you here?" She whispered quietly.
"I've been waiting for you to show up." The puppet she'd seen the day before crept out of the shadows.
She backed up, not wanting to get to close.
"Roxy.. Right?" The Marionette asked.
Roxy nodded, unable to speak. Her fear subdued her, making her feel numb.
"I'm not going to hurt you..." The Marionette coaxed her.
She shuffled forward and almost lept back, shocked that she had moved closer.
"I-I don't want any trouble." She mumbled. "Don't hurt them."
"But my dear, they let my music run out. I love my music..." He moved closer to her and ran his finger along her muzzle.
"Don't touch me." She squeaked, terrified.
The Marionette laughed and stepped back. "Just show me where Justin is. I won't harm you or.. The other." He smirked.
"Foxy?" Roxy breathed. Shit. He was going to be soooo pissed.
"Yes. I've noticed you have feelings for him. Quite the sight seeing as I didn't know you robots has hearts."
Roxy reached up and ran her metal paw across her chest where heart would be if she was a real fox or a human.
"Anyways..." The Marionette shrugged. "Where is he?"
"I wouldn't tell you even if my life depended in it." Roxy snarled, bravely.
"I tried to play fair Roxy, but it looks like you leave me no choice." His voice grew angry.
He lept at Roxy.

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