Chapter 7

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"It's in this safe." Roxy nodded towards a small safe sitting on the desk.
"I don't know how I'm supposed to open that." He scowled.
"I can do that." Roxy quickly grinned, but looked at the door to the office nervously.
"What?" Justin asked, suspicious.
"Nothing. I'm looking for... Nothing." She blushed, opening the safe."
"Why did you need me to help you?" Justin asked, annoyed.
"I don't know how to put insert it." She shrugged, regarding him cooly.
"I'll put it in tomorrow." He slipped it in his pocket.

Chris marched around the empty restaurant. He had relieved Justin from his shift early. He had other plans in mind. He hopped up on stage and activated each of the animatronics. They immediately burst into life. Dancing and singing, their normal routine.
"It's me." Chris breathed.
They all paused momentarily. Chris lept off the stage and stared at each one of them.
"You get him yet?" Freddy grinned.
"No. That fox ain't doin' her job." He snarled. "That's why it's your responsibility now."
"We knew she wouldn't do it." Chica giggled. "She's to soft."
Chris rolled his eyes as the animals laughed.
"Just do your job. And do it right. Or you'll end up like the one's before you." Chris narrowed his eyes.
Each of them stopped laughing immediately and gulped.
"That's right." He straightened, smiling. "Now put on some smiles. The show will start soon."

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