Chapter 5

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"He's been completely silent." She murmured sadly.
"Why didn't they finish you?" Justin asked quietly.
She looked at him sadly, and her eyes clouded with pain. "I'm not wanted."
"Why not?" He asked, skeptical.
"I'm not like Bonnie, Freddy and Chica." She cried. "They're all made for show. I don't like being gawked at by little kids."
"I understand... I think." Justin said sympathetically.
"Yea. That's what they all say." She muttered. "You might wanna check on the other three. I don't know where they could be."
"Shit." He'd forgotten the animals could move and that they were trying to kill him.
Thankfully, when he checked, they were all on stage, in perfect positions.
"Could you fix him up?" Roxy blurted out abruptly.
Justin looked shocked. "I-I don't know. I'm not a repairmen. I don't know how."
"Please please try." She begged. "I'm so lonely on here. He's the only one I've got. The other three... They don' like me." She cried in despair.
"I'll try." He sighed.

"How are ya, Justin?" Chris asked that very morning.
"I'm fine. Just tired."
"Anything eventful happen?" Chris laughed. Almost hopefully...
"Not really." Justin choose to ignore that strange comment.
"If you'll excuse me, I have to go tend to some business matters." Chris muttered darkly, stalking away.
What the hell is his issue?
Justin shook his head and started walking away.
What was Chris hiding?

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