Chapter 3

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"What the hell are YOU doing here." Rachel stormed up to him.
"I work here now." He ignored the hatred emitting from her voice.
"Who the hell said so?" She challenged.
"I did, Rachel." Chris sauntered up behind her and dropped an arm around her shoulder.
Justin forced himself to stay calm, although he felt himself tense up.
Rachel looked rather uncomfortable and slowly sidestepped out of his reach.
Looking irritated, Chris turned back to Justin who had his jaw clenched shut.
"Say, I saw the old records of this place." Chris said, nonchalantly. "You used to work as security guard?"
"Yup. Up until the closing." He muttered.
Chris nodded and turned his attention to Rachel. "You might want to head home. Your shift is over. We're going to let Justin handle everything now."
Rachel rolled her eyes before stalking away, giving Justin a look of cold contempt as she passed him to reach the front doors.
"Well, here are the keys to the place." Chris dropped them into Justin's palm.
"I'll see you at 6:00 AM sharp."
After that, Justin was alone in the dark restaurant.

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