Chapter 16

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Justin's doorbell rang and he warily stood up from his couch.
He was surprised to find Rachel standing there, awkwardly running her fingers through her hair.
"Rachel.." He stuttered. "Hi."
"Hi." She looked down at her black leather boots. "Can I come in?"
"S-sure." Justin beckoned her inside and she entered the door way, looking around.
"Nice place." She commented.
"Thanks." He had no clue what else he should say. "Uh.. You... You look nice." He mentally slapped himself, that sounded creepy.
To his pleasure she laughed and sat on the end if his couch.
He sat at the other end, maintaining a good distance.
She folded her hands in her lap and looked around awkwardly.
"What brings you here?" Justin finally asked, breaking the awkward silence.
"Oh.." She blushed. Justin couldn't help but admire her.
"Chris.. Uh.. He..." She rolled her eyes at herself and laughed uneasily.
"He wanted to see you... I don't know why." She murmured.
His heart sank, he'd thought this would be a discussion about getting back together.
"Oh... Sure. When?" He tried to hide his disappointment.
"Tonight. Before your shift starts." She shrugged.
"Okay." He said, flatly.
"I'm sorry if you had the wrong idea..." She murmured, embarrassed.
"No. I didn't have any idea. Not a damn clue." He just had to send her, didn't he?
"This isn't my fault, Justin." She snarled, defensively. "If you don't fucking recall, YOU broke up with ME."
He winced, surprised by the venom in her voice.
"I told you I'm sorry. I panicked, Rachel." Justin closed his eyes.
"So after a year of wasting my time." She began, standing up. "I tell you I love you and you broke up with me right after."
Justin put his head in his hands and curled his finders in his brown hair. He didn't answer her.
"You're a child." She snarled, standing over him. "You play the victim in everything. You can't handle all the shit going on. Hell, you were obsessed about some dumb ass robot!"
Justin got to his feet. He easily towered over Rachel and she stepped back.
Shocked, she stood still, not believing he was screaming at her.
"IT WOULD BE A LOT BETTER THAN BEING WITH SOMEONE LIKE YOU!" Justin knew he had crossed the line because she paused for a moment before rushing to the door.
"Rachel.. Wait.." He called after her.
"Fuck you, Justin." She growled. "I may have loved you before, but I don't love you now and I never will. I won't ever make that mistake again." She hissed, storming away, not bothering to close the door.
Justin stumbled back and plopped back down on the couch. His heart felt like it'd just been torn in half.
"But I love you..."

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