Chapter 7 Harry's practice his OWLS

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He looked at the first question. He pictured the book and remembered not to say the exact wording in the book. After ten minutes he finished the subject and he then started History of Magic his next least interesting class. He thought how hard some of the questions were but he carried on for another ten minutes past. It happened with every subject then he finally finished. He said "Wow it's amazing how much more accurate I was, having this spell is pretty awesome I had to stop myself writing exactly what the book said on a subject."

Pince laughed and said "If only Dumbledore knew how powerful that spell would be on your mind! If a normal wizard had that spell he/she wouldn't cope as well as you are doing." Harry was shocked and surprised and asked "If Dumbledore found out about autism would he treat me differently?"
Pince replied "Probably, but it's rather difficult to find the book with the subject and spell, I worked at the ministry of magic in their library, I accidentally came across it one day and thought, sounds like a good book to read." Harry was really overwhelmed by how much he had learned about Madam Pince. He said "I wish you were my private tutor after this year." Pince was shocked at the kind suggestion. She said "Maybe there's a way, we just need to find a loophole into that situation."

She sent the test back to Fudge. He did the markings right away and was so shocked with the results he wrote (Dear Pince, Harry James Potter did remarkable in the practice Owl exam. In all seven subjects he got Outstanding. I have a questionnaire for him, if he does really well I'll need to visit you both. From Fudge.)

An owl sent the letter back. Pince nearly fell of her seat when she read the letter. She said "Harry you have done Outstanding in all subjects and Fudge want you do his own personal questionnaire and if you do just as well as you did in your last test he wants to meet us both." Harry couldn't believe his ears he asked "Can I do the test tomorrow because my hands are sore." Pince replied "Certainly go have dinner and see you after breakfast."

Harry went to table, tonight the meal was a roast chicken dinner. Ron asked "How's your studying in the library going?" Harry replied "Really well did you know that the skele-gro potion is so difficult to make that no one has made one before at Hogwarts so Madam Pomfrey does the repeat spell only in that potion?" Ron was surprised. Hermione was also shocked she replied "Yeah but did you know that one of your ancestors made that potion possible?" Harry smiled and said "Yeah Madam Pince said that to me first time meeting her." After dinner everyone went to bed.

Harry was super excited for the questionnaires tomorrow. It's going to be interesting plus it also means he's one step closer telling his friends what he's got and how it makes him super special. He slept soundly.

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