Chapter 9 Fudge tells Harry good news

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Fudge walked through the fire place and said "Madam Pince, wonderful to see you again." Pince was shocked by the arrival of Fudge, she said "Wow, I didn't think you would be coming today, how wonderful." Fudge asked "Hey Harry, you must be the boy with the disability, I am so shocked but I am happy that a disability has found an owner, may I ask what disability you have?" Harry replied with a question "I have autism Sir, why does my disability make me so special?" Fudge answered "Because you are a half blood - for a half blood wizard or even a full blood wizard to have a disability is the most rare thing in the world. What did you think of my test?" Harry replied "Quite challenging and interesting, I learned so much, I especially like when a Solar Eclipse happens." Fudge laughed.
Pince was surprised, last time a Solar Eclipse was in her question was when she was taking her Masters. She asked "Fudge, last time I heard of a Solar Eclipse was in my Masters for Astronomy?" Fudge went guilty and said "that's correct, I kinda didn't believe Harry's answers because they were perfect. I had to come in person to hand over this."

Fudge handed seven certificates they said on each (Congratulations Mister Harry James Potter for completing your Masters.) Then he would have one for each subject. Pince couldn't believe her eyes and asked "Does that mean Harry's completed his studies?" Fudge said "Well yes it does but he can't graduate until Seventh year, but just now he can get the trace removed and be awarded his adult powers if we come to my office."

Harry was speechless he said "Wow I think I should have been in Ravenclaw with this new ability." Pince asked "If we did the spell in the ministry would Harry's ability double in power?" Fudge said "Yes, Brilliant idea let's go, I'll treat you both for lunch."

Pince, Harry and Fudge went through the fireplace and landed in Fudge's office. All three went to the centre of the Ministry. Dolores saw these three wizards, she asked "Where are you three going?" Fudge said "To the centre of the Ministry." Dolores was confused and asked "Why would you go there?" Pince replied "Because Harry here has Autism." Dolores couldn't believe what this librarian said and asked Harry "Is it true? That you have a rare gift?" Harry replied "Yeah it's true, I found out because Pince noticed how I do things different from other wizards." Dolores was most impressed and went back to her office.

All three made it to the centre. Harry sat on a chair and Pince said "Me and Fudge are going to do the spell." Harry asked "Will I be okay?" Fudge said "Yes but we'll have to go to the infirmary to Pompfrey and ask for a adult version of the headache potion because you'll need it." Harry gulped and asked "Does this mean I can be legally emancipated from my muggle Aunt and Uncle?" Fudge said "Yes that's automatic because in the wizard world after this spell you are legally an adult." Harry couldn't believe his ears, this has to be the best day of his life.

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