Chapter 41 meeting merlin

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A/N Spoiler for this chapter all founders are related and Merlin had quad children. He was  a female deer and he got pregnant and with magic he had quadruple fawns.

Pince asked "What do you mean you are about to meet Merlin?"  Harry replied "That's part off my final mission then I am complete." Pomfrey said "It's impossible, no one has ever seen Merlin." Harry said "That's true but I am mister disability I see things around the castle I shouldn't have seen." Then a portrait above Harry's bed said "Well done completing your task Harry." Harry looked around to find the new voice. He looked above and it was Godric above he asked "What you doing in the infirmary?" Godric replied "We founder can be any portrait we want to be and to find Merlin you need to say 'Headmaster Harry Potter' and Merlin will explain why and plus have you not noticed that there's a portrait above each bed and each one has a founder to wizards that see like you but to normal they just see famous medical wizards." Pince asked "Who are you talking to?" Harry replied "I believe Mungo Bonham." Pince replied "Yes that's right just checking didn't know you knew him." Harry replied "Well he was a good healer." Godric smiled ""Well done Harry, you better find Merlin." Harry went out of bed and said "Feeling much better I need to complete my mission." Pomfrey and Pince allowed him to leave. Pomfrey said "I believe Harry sees thing us normal wizards don't see. I don't think he was talking to Mungo but someone more important." Pince said "I believe you are right I am going back to library to study more on Harry's new development."

Harry went to find the new door. He hasn't tried yet, he found the door, it was near the stairs leading to the astronomy tower. Harry said "Headmaster Harry Potter." And the door opened and stairs leading up. Harry followed them and it came to the biggest room compared to all the founders room. Harry was shocked that there also was a telescope right in the middle of the room pointing up. Harry smiled "Merlin even you like looking at the Methuselah Star as a ghost." Merlin smiled and said "Finally the wizard who's on a path like my own, what's your name?' Harry said "My name is Harry Potter and I have special needs and I have done the Vera Bookus spell four times now." Merlin said "Wow that's incredible I hope another wizard would have my special needs one day." Harry said  "My great ancestor has special needs. His name is Linfred Potter but he told me he hasn't met you." Merlin said 'You should ask him if he did the Vera Bookus spell four time or just three." Harry said "Okay I can do that." Harry shouted "LINDFRED POTTER." Then in a matter of  seconds Lindfred arrived. He asked  "What am I dong here?" Harry said "Sorry I summoned you here because I have a question about how many times you did the Vera Bookus spell?" Lindfred replied "Only three times. I know there's a fourth but I couldn't handle it because I didn't have a mate to help with pain." Harry gulped and said "That explains too much wow, Lindfrred meet Merlin and I just did my third in the castle with Merlin's wand." Lindfred said "Holly mackerel! Well done Harry you are more like Merlin than I care to admit. Can I please go home?" Harry said "Lindfred Potter return home." within seconds Linfred was gone.

Harry asked "Why does Lindfred think I am like you?" Merlin replied "Well I don't know what is you animagus form?" Harry turned in to his form. Quite instantly he was fully male red deer stag he had a lightning bolt on his back leg then he returned back. Merlin was speechless and said "Wow you are a red stag deer. Oh my gosh you are so like me it's unbelievable. My form was red deer doe as well." Harry gulped and asked "Did you find a male stag?" Merlin replied "Yes the wizard was Morgana we were the rarest deer. We had four fawns, when they grew up to to be teenagers to return to wizards they were the founders when they grew up to be adults." Harry couldn't believe his ears and fainted and when he recovered. Merlin said "To control your animagus you just need to think deer or say deer out plus as you are more like me you just need to say any animal and you can become that animal." Harry didn't believe him so Harry said "Snowy owl." Harry turn instantly into the snowy owl. He looked at himself in the mirror he could believe his eye and returned right away. Harry asked "Why did I need to say Headmaster Harry Potter to get into this room?" Merlin replied "Simple you are the headmaster to protect the school the current one only runs the school. He doesn't understand the castle needs you now." Harry was shocked and didn't believe him, so transported himself to Fudge's office right on the seat oppersite  a bewildered Fudge.

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