•discovering and survival•

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Fitz's POV:

one fucking week. it's been one week since our last base was raided by other survivors, and it's been hell. we lost much of our food, and lot of our medicines and weapons. which is considerably bad,

since we are currently in an actual zombie apocalypse.

this wasn't ever supposed to happen, clearly. but here the fuck we are. and we've managed to survive more than most.

and we are lucky too, considering every single one of us is retarded.

for the night, we came across a shed. small, but it would have to do. i offered to stay up, and to keep watch. i look at all of my friends faces and breathe heavily. i just want to keep them alive. they are all i have, and i'll do anything to make sure nothing happens to them. i lay my head back and stare at ceiling, and cling the gun to my chest.

time skip~

finally, sunlight filters in through the cracks in the wood. i sigh heavily, and begin to wake everyone up. we need to find permanent shelter, and quick.

i sift through the food backpack as everyone gets up, and passes everyone a granola bar. we are starting to run low.

"good morning cam." i hear and look up to see the actual first one up, toby.

"hey. how'd you sleep?"

"fairly well. are you going to be too tired to walk today?"

"no, i'll be fine. we have to get moving, can you help me get the others?" she smiles and nods, walking around the shed getting everyone up. mason of course being the hardest. we gradually pack everything up, and start to leave, guns in hand.

we all remain silent, which a few months ago would've been impossible for us to do, but now we have to. can't alert anything around us, could cause problems. which obviously wouldn't be very good. we continue walking, before we run into a store. all the windows are broken, but we decide to check it anyways.

"this shit looks sketchy." swagger says, peering around the inside.

"well, we still have to check it for supplies. itd be a waste otherwise." toby says, looking around. they all slowly nod, and we step inside.

we scavenge shelves, looking for anything. the most we got were some cans of beans, a bottle of tylenol, and some hello kitty bandaids which mason, swagger, and jay were sure to make fun of for the rest of the day. mason also stumbled across some water bottles, which is always useful. we pack up the backpacks after a little rest, before we keep walking.

i can feel myself begin to get a little to drowsy, so i offer up stopping for the day soon. no one disagrees, and we begin to harden our search for some sort of shelter. we see some older houses, but of course they all have broken windows, or literally no door.

not very safe if you ask me.

while looking, we split up a bit, no too much though of course. suddenly a blood curdling scream rips through the air, and i recognize it immediately.


i dash in the direction, seeing him being tackled by a zombie. i see the others gather around, and we look at each other panicked. i leap forwards and kick the zombie off, before shooting in right in the middle of the head. i sniffle, i always hated that. but i keep a straight face. i have to be strong.

i look over to see matt bent over mason, and heat him sigh of relief. thankfully, the only thing that happened was mason scrapping his elbow.

"masey, you want a hello kitty bandaid?" jay said, trying to lighten the mood. mason chuckles quietly.

"yes cunt, would be nice." i throw the box at matt, who patches mason up. i reach my hand down, and pull mason to his feet. and soon as he's up he smiles at me, but looks past my face. his eyes light up with happiness.

"boys! look!" we follow his line of sight to see a big ass house, tucked back into the woods. it's actually quite hard to see, which is good.

"let's go check it out" i say, and we begin our journey, this time with a pep in our step.

Your POV:

i rock back and forth, listening to my record. this is what life's been like for a while now, living down in my cellar. i have everything i need down here, weapons, medicine, music, etc. thankfully i've been left alone.

then i hear it.

the door lock on my front door unlocking, and footsteps in the foyer. i freeze.

then i'm up with a start. i dont know how well this is going to work, but it's worth a try. based on number of footsteps, i can't fight them off. this is my only hope, they'll find me anyways. i grab the prepared duffle bag, run up the stairs and open the cellar door. i toss the bag outside of the door, before quickly shutting and locking the millions of locks on the door. i step down the stairs carefully, and back into a corner of the cellar. i can hear their voices, and i begin to pray.
hi welcome to my new book
not sure how well this is going to work out but enjoy :)

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