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Your POV:

      after the fit, i feel nothing. nothing at all. i zone out. colors now shown from the sunrise, are fading. every sound around me is echoing, and i can feel my head getting clouded. i hadn't cried once they brought me inside, only sat and stared. for a while, i could hear them talking to and about me. but then once everything became so out of focus, even their voices got lost in the white noise filling my head.

      the heaviness suddenly becomes too much. i try not to move, i know if i get up that something bad will happen. my grip on my arms get tighter, and i feel my breathing pick up. i feel a hand on my shoulder and i jerk away hard. i don't have time to feel bad about it right now, i'm suffocating. i start gasping and suddenly i'm up, and outside. i glance at the sunrise, watching the colors flood back into place. the reds,oranges, and purples rush towards me and it's still too much. my world is so full of color, and then all of a sudden devoid of it again. i pass out.

Jay's POV:

       it's been about three hours since we discovered her in the backyard and took her back inside. since then, she hasn't moved once. hasn't looked around once. hasn't spoken a word. we all have troubled looks, we have no idea how to handle something like this. we talk, trying to come up with something that may help her.

"what exactly do we do?" i say, while sighing.

"i'm not sure, all i know is that she can't be alone anymore." toby said glancing at her with a sad look.

"that's for sure. should we bring her things up for the basement or wait for that? i feel like that's kind of invading her privacy though." swagger points out.

"nah cunt,leave it there. she will need to decide when she's ready. for now we should just keep her with one of us." mason claims, searching faces.

"yeah, not you. nice try." cam rolls his eyes.

"oi, why not? have you seen her?" matt punches mason in the arm.

"not the time for that, mace." i say looking over at him quizzically.

"well, i have dibs when she's feeling better." we all collectively groan, and continue our discussion.

suddenly, we can hear he breathing pick up. her knuckles are white and her upper arms are starting to bleed from just how tight her grip is. i ran over and stand near her, while cam lays a hand on her shoulder. she jerks aggressively and away from his hand. i look into her eyes. they look lifeless and dull. she's been through some shit. she stands, and runs for the front door. we stand puzzled, like retards, for a minute before grasping that she was now outside. alone. in the zombie apocalypse. well shit.

we all chase after her, to find her passed out in the dirt, with her face to the ground. without hesitation, cam and swagger walk over. swagger checks on her, looking for marks, while cam just picks her up and carries her into the house. when we are all back inside, cam and swagger disappear up the stairs. looks like cam gets to room with the hot girl.

"lucky cunt." mason mumbles, and with the looks on everyone's face, they seem to agree.
sorry this is so short
i'm exhausted and i wanted to get something out
so enjoy
and have a great night/day :)

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